Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Whitecap agrees to buy

       Kicking Horse for $238mn

        WESTERN          CANADA’S Whitecap Resources announced  32% – about 90% of this is condensate. Whitecap
        CANADA           this week that it had struck a deal to acquire Kick-  said it would raise this to 18,000-19,000 boepd
                         ing Horse Oil & Gas for CAD300mn ($238mn)  over the next 12-15 months and maintain it at
                         in cash and shares. The acquisition is aimed at  that level over 2022-26 by drilling 8-10 wells per
                         enhancing Whitecap’s position in the Montney  year in an effort to maximise free funds flow.
                         play, which spans British Columbia and north-  Whitecap said its total Montney acreage was
                         ern Alberta.                         now 168 sections, or 118.0 on a net basis, with
                           Whitecap said in an April 5 statement that it  696 drilling locations, or 437.4 on a net basis,
                         would pay for the acquisition with a combination  identified across numerous benches of the play.
                         of 34.5mn shares and CAD56mn ($44mn) in   News of the acquisition comes a week after
                         cash. The transaction also includes the assump-  Whitecap announced that it was raising its pro-
                         tion of Kicking Horse’s net debt, which was esti-  duction guidance for 2021 to roughly 102,000-
                         mated at CAD54mn ($43mn) as of February 28.  103,000 boepd, compared with a prior forecast
                           Kicking Horse is a privately held indirect sub-  of 100,000 boepd. This comes after the company
                         sidiary of Quantum Energy Partners. The com-  integrated two other recent acquisitions – NAL
                         pany’s assets are located in the Alberta portion  Resources and TORC Oil & Gas – into its oper-
                         of the Montney and primarily consist of a con-  ations at the start of 2021. Whitecap’s previous
                         densate-rich development at Kakwa. Whitecap  capital expenditure guidance of CAD280-300mn
                         said the assets would complement its existing  ($222-238mn) for the year remains unchanged.
                         Montney position at Karr and have “significant   The company also cited improvements to
                         offsetting activity”.                its base production decline rate, as well as “out-
                           Current production from the Kicking Horse  standing” results from its first-quarter drilling
                         assets is around 8,000 barrels of oil equivalent per  programme, as being behind higher-than-ex-
                         day (boepd), with liquids accounting for roughly  pected output in the first quarter of this year.™

       Sempra to sell infrastructure

       unit stake to KKR for $3.4bn

        US-MEXICO        US-BASED Sempra Energy said this week that  deal, it said this week.
                         it had agreed to sell a 20% interest in its Sempra   “Over the past few years, there’s been a gen-
                         Infrastructure Partners unit to global investment  eral move from utilities to focus more on their
                         firm KKR for $3.37bn in cash.        traditional domestic utility business and [place]
                           The deal comes four months after Sempra  less emphasis on their international business,” a
                         announced that it would form the energy infra-  Glenrock Associates analyst, Paul Patterson, was
                         structure unit in an effort to simplify its business.  quoted by Bloomberg as saying. The news ser-
       The Sempra unit’s   The company said at the time that it intended to  vice also cited a Raymond James analyst, Pavel
       assets include LNG   sell a non-controlling stake in Sempra Infra-  Molchanov, as saying selling the stake also set a
       projects in the US and   structure Partners in order to fund growth and  market value for Sempra’s infrastructure unit.
       Mexico.           “highlight the underlying value of the platform”.  “That means that Sempra’s banks, its lend-
                           Sempra combined its Sempra LNG business  ers, can look at this and perhaps improve how
                         and its Mexican subsidiary, IEnova, into the new  they think about the company’s balance sheet,”
                         infrastructure unit. The unit’s assets include the  he said.
                         operational Cameron LNG export terminal on   “Over the next decade, we expect the energy
                         the US Gulf Coast, as well as the Energía Costa  markets in North America to continue to grow
                         Azul LNG project, which is currently under con-  and become increasingly integrated. Combining
                         struction on Mexico’s Pacific Coast.  our resources with KKR improves our ability to
                           Sempra launched the infrastructure unit as  capture new investment opportunities in cleaner
                         a self-funding platform, as it focuses more on  forms of energy and the critical infrastructure that
                         its US utility business. The sale of the stake to  stores and transports it,” stated Sempra’s chairman
                         KKR values Sempra Infrastructure Partners at  and CEO, Jeffrey Martin. “This transaction also
                         about $25.2bn, including expected asset-re-  sends a clear signal about the value and expected
                         lated debt worth $8.37bn at the closing of the  growth of our infrastructure portfolio.”™

       Week 14   08•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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