Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       USTR report voices concern about challenges

       faced by US companies in Mexico

        US-MEXICO        THE Office of the US Trade Representative  oil company (NOC) Pemex to develop a large
                         (USTR) said in a report published last week that  crude oil deposit. (The latter appears to be a ref-
                         Washington was concerned about the increas-  erence to Talos Energy, which has been ordered
                         ing number of obstacles facing US-based inves-  to accept the unitisation of its offshore Zama field
                         tors seeking a foothold in Mexico’s oil and gas  with adjacent sites assigned to Pemex.)
                         industry.                              The report also noted Washington’s concerns
                           In the latest edition of its annual report on  about the Mexican government’s decision to
                         barriers to trade, USTR stated that Washington  grant more advantages to state-owned oil, gas
                         had informed Mexico City of US companies’  and electricity companies within the last year. It
                         complaints about discrimination in the enforce-  pointed to changes in public procurement policy
                         ment of regulations, delays in the permitting pro-  that exempted Pemex and the national electric
                         cess and lack of notice regarding changes to the  power provider Comision Federal de Electrici-
                         policy and regulatory environment. “The United  dad (CFE) from certain requirements. US com-
                         States has raised concerns with Mexico regarding  panies believe these revisions have made the
                         the deteriorating climate for US energy investors  procurement process less transparent, it said.
                         in Mexico,” it wrote.                  Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez
                           USTR also cited a number of examples of  Obrador has said he believes that state-owned
                         the concerns raised by US firms. Some com-  companies should dominate the energy indus-
                         panies have reported experiencing long delays  try. He has also instructed his government to give
                         when seeking permits or approvals for filling  Pemex and CFE as much of an edge as possible
                         stations, it said, while others have talked about  within the framework of the country’s current
                         coming under pressure to join with the national  legal regime.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Occidental CEO opposes carbon tax for US

        US               OCCIDENTAL Petroleum’s CEO, Vicki Hollub,  operations, which uses carbon dioxide (CO2)
                         has stated her opposition to the idea of a US car-  released during oil production. With EOR
                         bon tax. Her comments come as other compa-  increasingly out of favour owing to the wide-
                         nies and industry groups have been voicing their  spread availability of more accessible oil in tight
                         support for such a tax.              formations, though, Occidental is increasingly
                           “A carbon tax would be bad for a lot of the  turning its attention from the use of CO2 in EOR
                         industry, a carbon tax would be bad for the  to storage for the purposes of decarbonisation.
                         consumers and especially for those consumers   Hollub’s views put Occidental at odds with
       Occidental is working   who are more disadvantaged from an economic  other major producers on the issue of a carbon
       on a carbon capture   standpoint,” Hollub told the virtual summit of  tax. Such a tax is supported by both ExxonMobil
       and storage initiative.  the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty  and Chevron, as well as by the American Petro-
                         Owners Association this week. “A carbon tax is  leum Institute (API), the largest US oil and gas
                         not what we’re pushing at all,” she said.  trade group.
                           Indeed, Occidental has set itself strict tar-  Discussions around a potential carbon tax
                         gets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  come as US President Joe Biden prepares to
                         sions, aiming to reach net-zero emissions in its  unveil a new economy-wide emissions reduc-
                         operations before 2040. It also wants to turn its  tion target for 2030 by April 22 in an effort to
                         low-carbon unit into a profitable business, and is  bring the US into compliance with the goals set
                         working on a major carbon capture and storage  out in the Paris climate agreement. This marks a
                         (CCS) initiative in the Permian Basin.  significant turnaround from Biden’s predecessor,
                           The company currently collects carbon tax  former US President Donald Trump, who took
                         credits through its enhanced oil recovery (EOR)  the US out of the Paris agreement.™

       Week 14   08•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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