Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil


                                                                                Halliburton and Optime

                                                                                Subsea form global alliance

                                                                                Halliburton and Optime Subsea today
                                                                                announced they formed a global strategic
                                                                                alliance to apply Optime’s innovative
                                                                                Remotely Operated Controls System (ROCS)
                                                                                to Halliburton’s completion landing string
                                                                                services. The companies will also collaborate
                                                                                and offer intervention and workover control
       Complex (HPC), a world-class integrated   group, along with a group of new lenders,   system services leveraging Optime’s Subsea
       propane dehydrogenation (PDH) and   worked with us to amend and restate our   Controls and Intervention Light System
       polypropylene (PP) production facility, which   existing revolving credit facility. The amended   (SCILS) technology, a remote digital enabled
       will be operational in early 2022.  and restated facility provides Blue Racer   system that complements Halliburton’s subsea
         “The APIP grant recognises the significant   with ample liquidity to finance growth   intervention expertise. The alliance will provide
       contribution HPC has and will continue   opportunities as well as to continue delivering   umbilical-less operations and subsea controls
       to make to the Alberta economy,” stated   high quality services to our customers in the   for deepwater completions and interventions
       Christian Bayle, Inter Pipeline’s president and   Appalachian basin.”    delivering increased operational efficiencies
       chief executive officer. “HPC’s construction   A syndicate of 15 banks committed to   while minimising safety risk through a smaller
       has created thousands of well-paid technical,   the facility. Wells Fargo Securities acted as   offshore footprint. Halliburton will offer
       manufacturing and construction jobs over   sole bookrunner. Wells Fargo, Capital One,   Optime’s innovative technologies as a service
       its multi-year build and has been a symbol   National Association, RBC Capital Markets,   across its global portfolio.
       of hope during difficult economic times for   Toronto-Dominion Bank, New York Branch,   “We are excited to work with Optime
       the Province. In total we expect that roughly   BBVA USA, Truist Securities and US Bank   and leverage their technologies within our
       CAD3bn or three quarters of the project   National Association, acted as joint lead   existing subsea completions and intervention
       construction spend will be invested directly   arrangers.                solutions,” said Daniel Casale, vice president
       into materials and services provided by   Vinson & Elkins LLP acted as legal advisor   of testing and subsea. “Our alliance advances
       Alberta businesses.                 to Blue Racer.                       remote capabilities and provides a capital
         “Furthermore, we expect HPC to generate   BLUE RACER MIDSTREAM, April 08, 2021  efficient solution, allowing customers to
       hundreds of permanent high-quality full-time                             reduce safety risk, operational footprint, setup
       jobs and substantial ongoing tax revenue for                             and run-time.”
       government. We appreciate the Government   DOWNSTREAM                      “We believe that strong mutual alliances
       of Alberta’s support of HPC, and we believe                              across the vertical supply chain drives
       it sends a clear message to the international   Valero Energy provides   continuous improvements needed in our
       investment community – future large-scale                                industry,” said Jan-Fredrik Carlsen, CEO
       petrochemical investments are welcome in   guidance on first-quarter     of Optime Subsea. “By solidifying this
       Alberta.”                                                                relationship with Halliburton and combining
       INTER PIPELINE, April 05, 2021      2021 results                         their well-established, reputable service
                                                                                and technology capabilities with Optime’s
       Blue Racer Midstream                Valero Energy is providing preliminary   innovative controls and intervention
                                           estimated ranges for certain financial
                                                                                technology, more customers will have access
       amends and restates                 information reflecting market and operating   to these cost-efficient subsea solutions.”
                                           conditions experienced during the first
                                                                                HALLIBURTON AND OPTIME SUBSEA, April 07,
       existing revolving credit           quarter of 2021. Valero expects to report a   2021
                                           net loss attributable to Valero stockholders
       facility, extending maturity        in the range of $2.05-1.81 per share for the   ENERGY TRANSITION
                                           first quarter of 2021. The company expects
       three years to 2025                 electricity and natural gas costs incurred
                                           primarily by its refining and ethanol business
       Blue Racer Midstream announced today that   segments to be higher than expected for the   Oxy Low Carbon Ventures,
       it completed the amendment and restatement   first quarter of 2021 due to the impacts of   Cemvita Factory announce
       of its existing revolving credit facility. The   Winter Storm Uri. The preliminary estimated
       amended and restated credit facility provides   impact of excess energy costs included in   plan to develop pilot plant
       up to $750mn of borrowing capacity and   the range of net loss attributable to Valero
       extends the facility’s maturity date by three   stockholders noted above is $1.18-1.14 per   for innovative CO2-to-bio-
       years to 2025.                      share.
         Kyle Irons, executive vice president and   VALERO ENERGY, April 08, 2021  ethylene technology
       chief financial officer, commented, “We are
       pleased that members of our existing bank                                Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (OLCV), a

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