Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            opportunity to return additional capital to   and WOAC together hold an aggregate of
                                           shareholders.                        117,034,627 Osum shares, representing
       Crescent Point closes               CRESCENT POINT ENERGY, April 01, 2021  approximately 86.6% of the issued and
                                                                                outstanding Osum shares.
       accretive acquisition of            Waterous Energy Fund                 Osum shareholder other than WEF and
                                                                                  Upon completion of the transaction, each
       Kaybob Duvernay assets              announces the final step of          WOAC, will receive CAD3.00 in cash for
                                                                                each Osum Share held immediately prior to
       Crescent Point Energy is pleased to announce   its acquisition of Osum Oil   the amalgamation, which is the same as the
       that it has successfully closed its accretive                            consideration paid to Osum shareholders
       transaction previously announced on   Sands Corp; shareholder            under the Offer. Each Osum shareholder,
       February 17, 2021. The company has acquired                              other than WEF and WOAC, will receive one
       Shell Canada Energy’s Kaybob Duvernay   meeting to be held April         Series A preferred share of Amalco for each
       assets in Alberta for CAD900mn.                                          Osum share, WHICH will be automatically
         This strategic acquisition enhances   30, 2021 to approve the          redeemed immediately following the
       Crescent Point’s core principles of balance                              completion of the amalgamation for CAD3.00
       sheet strength and sustainability. In particular,   transaction          in cash.
       these assets, which are situated in the heart                              A special meeting of the Osum
       of the condensate rich fairway, are expected   Waterous Energy Fund and Osum Oil Sands   shareholders has been called for 9:00 a.m.
       to enhance the company’s free cash flow   Corp. announce today that Osum has entered   (Calgary time) on April 30, 2021 at the offices
       profile, inventory depth and include key   into an amalgamation agreement with WEF   of Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP located at
       infrastructure that is expected to lower future   Osum Acquisition Corp. (WOAC) under   Suite 3500, 855 - 2nd Street S.W., Calgary,
       capital requirements.               which Osum will amalgamate with WOAC,   Alberta T2P 4J8 to consider, and if thought
         Based on 30,000 boepd of production,   with the amalgamated entity (Amalco)   advisable, pass a special resolution in relation
       the purchase price reflects an attractive   becoming an entity wholly-owned by WEF.   to the amalgamation. The amalgamation
       acquisition metric equating to less than 3.0   Osum’s board has called a meeting of holders   resolution must be passed by 66 2/3% of the
       times net operating income of approximately   of common shares of Osum to consider the   votes cast by Osum shareholders, voting in
       CAD330mn at $50/barrel WTI, or      proposed amalgamation.               person or by proxy at the meeting.
       approximately 2.3 times net operating   This amalgamation has previously been   WATEROUS ENERGY FUND, April 06, 2021
       income of approximately CAD400mn at   disclosed to Osum shareholders in WEF’s
       current commodity prices of $60/barrel WTI.   take-over bid for up to 57,000,000 Osum   Surge Energy America
       These assets are also expected to enhance   shares and represents the final step of WEF’s
       Crescent Point’s free cash flow generation   acquisition of Osum. The amalgamation   completes Midland Basin
       as approximately $180mn of annual capital   will constitute the subsequent acquisition
       expenditures are required to sustain 30,000   transaction to acquire all of the Osum shares   acquisition
       boepd of production. The company will seek   that WOAC did not acquire under the offer.
       to further enhance returns through potential   WOAC acquired an aggregate of 56,999,475   Surge Energy US Holdings announced
       cost efficiencies.                  Osum shares under the Offer, representing   in the US that it, through its subsidiary,
         Crescent Point is expected to generate   approximately 42.2% of the issued and   has completed the previously announced
       significant excess cash flow in 2021. The   outstanding Osum shares. Together with   acquisition of leasehold interest and
       company’s initial priority remains centred   the 60,035,152 Osum shares already owned   producing wells from Grenadier Energy
       on balance sheet strength followed by the   by WEF at the time of the Offer, WEF   Partners II LLC (“GEP II”) in Howard County,
                                                                                TX. The aggregate purchase price of the
                                                                                transaction was approximately $420mn.
                                                                                SURGE ENERGY US HOLDINGS, April 01, 2021


                                                                                Inter Pipeline awarded
                                                                                CAD408mn grant under

                                                                                Alberta’s Petrochemicals

                                                                                Incentive Program

                                                                                Inter Pipeline announced today that it will
                                                                                receive CAD408mn under the Alberta
                                                                                Petrochemicals Incentive Program (APIP).
                                                                                The grant has been awarded in support of
                                                                                Inter Pipeline’s Heartland Petrochemical

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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