Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       subsidiary of Occidental, and bio-engineering   “Nature provided the inspiration,” noted   is then blended it into the natural gas supply,
       start-up Cemvita Factory today announced   Dr. Tara Karimi, co-founder and CTO of   lowering emissions.
       a plan to construct and operate a one metric   Cemvita Factory. “We took a gene from a   This renewable energy programme is part
       ton per month bio-ethylene pilot plant,   banana and genetically engineered it into our   of the Ontario government’s Made-in-Ontario
       applying a jointly developed technology using   CO2-utilizing host microorganism. We are   Environment Plan to reduce greenhouse gas
       human-made carbon dioxide (CO2) instead   now significantly increasing its productivity   emissions and help Canada meet its 2030
       of hydrocarbon-sourced feedstocks.  with the goal to achieve commercial metrics   target. RNG makes productive and economic
         The pilot project will scale up the process   that we have defined alongside OLCV.”  use of landfill and other organic waste, uses
       that was successful in laboratory tests, which   In 2019, OLCV made an investment in   existing pipeline infrastructure and creates
       showed the OLCV-Cemvita technology   Cemvita Factory to jointly explore how the   local jobs and new revenue opportunities for
       is competitive with hydrocarbon-sourced   advances in synthetic biology can be utilised   municipal governments.
       ethylene processes. Ethylene is widely used   to provide sustainable pathways for the   “Enbridge’s voluntary renewable gas option
       in the chemical industry, primarily as a   bio-manufacturing of OxyChem’s products.   for their customers is a great example of how
       precursor to polymers for use in items like   This strategic partnership is yielding new   the private sector has the capital, capability
       durable, long-life products. Start-up of the   innovations that hold promise to decarbonise   and know-how to transform clean technology
       pilot plant is expected in 2022.    and transform the chemical industry to create   markets, while fuelling economic growth
         “This technology could provide an   a sustainable future.              and job creation for our province,” said Jeff
       opportunity to offer a new, non-hydrocarbon-  OXY LOW CARBON VENTURES, April 06, 2021  Yurek, Ontario’s Minister of Environment,
       sourced ethylene product to the market,                                  Conservation and Parks. “Our government
       reducing carbon emissions, and in the future   Customers can now OptUp   will continue to work closely with energy
       benefit our affiliate, OxyChem, which is a                               industry leaders like Enbridge Gas to help
       large producer and consumer of ethylene in its   to green the gas supply  reduce greenhouse gas emissions efficiently
       chlorovinyls business,” said Dr. Robert Zeller,                          and affordably as we work towards Ontario’s
       Vice President of Technology for OLCV.   Enbridge Gas announced today, the details   2030 emissions reduction target.”
         “Today bio-ethylene is made from bio-  of a new voluntary renewable natural gas   “Natural gas is Ontario’s most common
       ethanol, which is made from sugarcane, which   (RNG) programme for its customers that will   heating source and is more affordable
       in turn was created by photosynthesising   reduce overall emissions from Ontario’s gas   than other sources such as electricity, oil
       CO2. Our bio-synthetic process simply   supply. Enbridge Gas’ new OptUp programme   or propane, which is why our government
       requires CO2, water and light to produce   will offer residential and small business   remains committed to expanding access
       bio-ethylene, and that’s why it saves a lot   customers1 who buy their gas from the utility   through our natural gas expansion
       of cost and carbon emissions,” stated Moji   the option to contribute $2 a month as a cost-  programme,” said Associate Energy Minister
       Karimi, co-founder and CEO of Cemvita   effective option to help offset the increased   Bill Walker. “I welcome Enbridge Gas’ efforts
       Factory. “This project is a great example of   costs to acquire carbon-neutral renewable   to advance innovative solutions like renewable
       how Cemvita is applying industrial-strength   natural gas (RNG). RNG is generated by   natural gas that offer consumers choice and
       synthetic biology to help our clients lower   capturing and cleaning methane emissions   can contribute to keeping our energy supply
       their carbon footprint while creating new   from landfills and other waste sources which   clean.”
       revenue streams.”                   would otherwise be released into the air and   ENBRIDGE GAS, April 06, 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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