Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       LNG trade booms, as US shipments

       to Asia, Europe rise

       LNG deliveries are reported to have risen by the most in a year in March, with

       shipments from the US to both Asia and Europe on the up

        GLOBAL           THE global LNG trade is booming. Last week it  still being “well above” typical levels for that
                         was reported that deliveries of the super-chilled  month, even as demand dropped on warmer
       WHAT:             fuel had grown the most in a year in March, as  weather.
       The LNG trade is booming   Asia and Europe refilled inventories depleted   Flows of US LNG to Europe are also looking
       despite the seasonal   over the winter, and more countries bounced  strong. Bloomberg reported that total LNG
       slowdown that normally   back from the hit their economies took as a result  imports into Western Europe in March reached
       comes in the spring.  of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  their highest levels since record volumes deliv-
                           Imports were reported to have risen 5.8%  ered in December 2019, rebounding to pre-pan-
       WHY:              year on year in March, which was the highest  demic levels. Supplies from the US were found
       Buyers in Asia and   increase since the same month of 2020, Bloomb-  to have made up nearly 30% of shipments.
       Europe are refilling   erg reported, citing ship-tracking data it had
       depleted inventories as   compiled.                    First wave
       activity rebounds from   The news service noted that European  These trends are playing out as the first wave of
       the pandemic.     imports were supported by dwindling stockpiles  US LNG export terminal construction comes to
                         and strong spot prices, but that it was Asian buy-  an end, while the second is already underway.
       WHAT NEXT:        ers that anchored growth in demand for LNG.  Cheniere Energy, the leading exporter of US
       The energy transition is   This was echoed by Reuters, which reported  LNG, has just started up the third liquefaction
       anticipated to help keep   separately that US shipments of LNG to China,  train at its Corpus Christi terminal in Texas, and
       driving the growth in LNG   Japan and South Korea – the largest importers  is continuing to work on the sixth train at Sabine
       demand.           of the fuel globally – had risen to record highs  Pass LNG in Louisiana.
                         in recent months. Indeed, Reuters said US ship-  “The US has got more export trains running,
                         ments to Japan had grown so strongly that they  so it is exporting more and demand has been
                         were now on a par with those from Qatar – a  relatively strong in Northeast Asia,” Reuters
                         major long-term seller to Japanese utilities.  quoted a source that it described as a long-time
                           While the surge has been partly seasonal,  gas industry participant as saying.
                         with a colder-than-expected winter spurring   This comes despite extensive disruptions
                         demand, Reuters cited Eikon trade data as  experienced by US LNG exporters over the
                         showing March shipments of US LNG to Asia  past year. In the summer of 2020, they bore the

                                                                                                  More liquefaction
                                                                                                  capacity has just come
                                                                                                  online in the US with
                                                                                                  the start-up of Corpus
                                                                                                  Christi LNG Train 3.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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