Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       announced the acquisition of well   Calfrac Well Services                lower methane emissions
       construction cementing specialists DeltaTek
       Global.                             ensure reliable hydraulic            intensity
         The acquisition allows Expro to broaden its
       offering, capabilities, and technology portfolio   fracturing            As part of its commitment to reduce its scope
       within the well construction cementing sector,                           3 emissions by 10% by 2030 and to reduce
       while accelerating DeltaTek’s international   Calfrac Well Services, one of the largest   the lifecycle carbon intensity of ammonia
       deployment ambitions through Expro’s global   hydraulic fracturing companies based on   production, CF Industries Holdings today
       footprint.                          horsepower (~1.3mn horsepower) is using   announced that it has entered into an
         Expro’s chief technology officer Steve   KCF Technologies Machine Health Platform   agreement with bp for the supply of 2.2bn
       Russell said: “This is an exciting transaction   to reduce downtime and increase productivity.  cubic feet (bcf) of certified natural gas in 2023.
       for Expro that we believe will deliver real value  Calfrac’s services include hydraulic fracturing,   MiQ-certified natural gas, or certified gas,
       to our combined customer base. The DeltaTek   coiled tubing, cementing, and other well   is produced by companies whose operations
       range of low-risk open water cementing   stimulation techniques designed to help   are independently verified by a third-party
       solutions increases clients’ operational   increase the production of oil and natural gas.   auditor. These third parties provide a factual
       efficiency, delivers rig time and cost savings,   Operating in western Canada, United States,   assessment of methane emissions intensity –
       and improves the quality of cementing   and Argentina, Calfrac has fully deployed   the ratio of methane emissions to natural gas
       operations for our clients.         KCF Technologies’ Platform across all 10 of its   produced. CF Industries uses natural gas as
         “Today’s announcement expands our well   fleets in the US.             a feedstock in the production of ammonia.
       construction cementing capabilities through   The relationship between Calfrac and KCF   Methane emissions throughout the natural
       DeltaTek’s open water cementing systems   Technologies started in 2021 with one fleet   gas supply chain are a significant contributor
       and techniques. These strengths, technologies   and quickly accelerated to cover all their US   to the lifecycle carbon intensity of ammonia
       and ambitions complement Expro and we are   based fleets. This acceleration has led to a   production and one of the two largest sources
       delighted to welcome the DeltaTek team to the  6x ROI and an estimated $10.5M in savings   of Scope 3 emissions for the Company.
       Expro family.”                      for 2022. The largest contributor of savings   The natural gas is certified using not-
         Aberdeen-based DeltaTek has an    last year came from Clean Boost Pump   for-profit MiQ’s methane standard, which
       experienced leadership team focused   Optimization, Split Stream optimization, and   leverages independent third-party auditors to
       on developing and deploying cementing   fully integrating RPM, Pressure, and Gear   monitor, address, and grade the natural gas
       technologies to the offshore market, with   Data into KCF’s Comprehensive Machine   used in ammonia production. The Company
       operations across the UK, Norway, the Gulf of   Health platform, SMARTdiagnostics.  will use the highest level of certified gas
       Mexico, West Africa and Asia Pacific.  In 2022, four key benefits were identified   available, or ‘A’ grade, which – when compared
         Commenting on the acquisition, Tristam   as big wins for the Calfrac and KCF teams that   to industry production averages (GREET,
       Horn, CEO and founder, said: “The team and   were collaborating on the deployment:  2022) – lowers the methane emissions
       I are delighted to announce this milestone   The deployment helps eliminate of   associated with the natural gas purchased by
       for DeltaTek. To join Expro, a leader in the   catastrophic failures, prioritise maintenance   around 90%. This is the first known purchase
       industry, is a monumental moment for the   to maximise efficient planned downtime,   of certified gas by an industrial company for
       company, our existing clients, and the wider   increase safety benefits by reducing number   use in its ammonia production processes.
       industry as we continue to innovate and grow   of catastrophic failures; and reduces pump   “CF Industries is the first industrial
       the Cure and ArticuLock portfolios to directly   cavitation leading to longer fluid end life.  giant to use MiQ-independently certified
       address well construction challenges. With   KCF TECHNOLOGIES, February 14, 2023.  natural gas to significantly reduce scope 3
       Expro’s global footprint and strong customer                             emissions from its production processes,” said
       base, we expect to deliver our technology                                Georges Tijbosch, CEO, MiQ. “We’ve seen
       to all operators across the entire well   ENERGY TRANSITION              multiple utilities across in the US purchase
       construction market through existing Expro                               independently certified gas to reduce their
       channels, simplifying the global adoption of   CF Industries announces   emissions, and this key commitment by
       our value-adding services for our customers.”                            CF Industries should be a trigger for other
       EXPRO, February 9, 2023             purchase of 2.2bn cubic              natural gas users in hard to abate industries
                                                                                to prioritise the minimisation of their supply
       KCF Technologies helps              feet of natural gas with             chain emissions through certification.”
                                                                                CF INDUSTRIES, February 15, 2023

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   16•February•2023
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