Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Precision anticipates increases

       in WCSB drilling

        WESTERN          DRILLING among producers in the West-  of the total market share for active rigs in the
        CANADA           ern Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) is  Clearwater. The company’s Super Single rigs are
                         expected to rise in the coming years as prices  best suited for multiple-lateral pad drilling, with
                         remain high and so does demand, senior indus-  the focus on higher deliverability, he added.
                         try officials have said. New infrastructure such   The Trans Mountain expansion is expected to
                         as the Trans Mountain expansion coming online  be mechanically complete at the end of the third
                         are also expected to boost activity.  quarter of 2023 with commercial service begin-
                           The heavy oil industry in Alberta and planned  ning late in the fourth quarter. The expansion
                         LNG developments in neighbouring British  will increase capacity of the system – which runs
                         Columbia will account for the bulk of the antic-  from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, BC – from
                         ipated drilling activities in 2023, Calgary-based  300,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 890,000 bpd. It
                         Precision Drilling’s CEO, Kevin Neveu, told ana-  will mostly be used to carry heavy oil.
                         lysts on an earnings call.             “Producers are expected to ramp up drilling   Neveu said
                           There are 78 active drilling rigs in Canada  and production ahead of [the Trans Mountain
                         currently, compared with 64 rigs at the same  expansion] coming online,” Alberta Energy   that Precision
                         time last year, Neveu said, adding that 63% of  Minister Pete Guthrie told journalists in Edmon-
                         the total drilling was for crude while the remain-  ton in mid-January.     currently has
                         der was targeting natural gas liquids (NGLs) and   Conventional oil production in Alberta is
                         natural gas.                         forecast to rise from 445,000 bpd in the 2022  45% of the total
                           Neveu added that the Clearwater heavy oil  fiscal year to 483,000 bpd in the 2023 fiscal year,   market share for
                         play in northeastern and central Alberta, which  then reaching 494,000 bpd in the 2024 fiscal year,
                         is being developed as an additional source of  Guthrie said. He added that the province’s total   active rigs in the
                         long-term conventional heavy crude in Western  natural gas production was set to increase from
                         Canada, was particularly in focus    4.027bn cubic feet (114mn cubic metres) per day   Clearwater.
                           “The Clearwater formation is a high-perme-  in the 2022 fiscal year to 4.219 bcf (119 mcm) per
                         ability conventional heavy oil play that doesn’t  day in the current year, then rising to 4.33 bcf
                         require speed and doesn’t require hydraulic  (123 mcm) per day in the 2024 fiscal year.
                         stimulation. These are relatively inexpensive   NGL production and LNG-related activity
                         and low cost curve oil wells, typically costing  will also continue to drive the demand for Super
                         CAD1.5-1.7mn [$1.1-1.3mn] per well,” he said.  Triple rigs in Canada, Neveu said.
                         “The operators are reporting that these wells   In particular, the first phase of the 14mn
                         are half-cycle breakeven at $20 per barrel of oil  tonne per year (tpy) Shell-led LNG Canada
                         equivalent, which on that basis, these are lowest  project is due to start up in late 2025 on the BC
                         cost oil wells in North America.”    coast, spurring new demand for feedstock nat-
                           Neveu said that Precision currently has 45%  ural gas.™

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