Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         claimed, was essentially a peremptory effort to  either the oil and gas industry or environmental
                         impose “green” ideals on the territory regardless  activists. The matter is complicated, and there
                         of its economic and energy needs.    are many issues that must be taken into consid-
                           Moreover, he insinuated that the controversy  eration, he said. “I don’t want anybody to think
                         was being driven by political factors – and par-  that I’m against the green movement, but there’s
                         ticularly by ill will between supporters of former  a nice balance that can be struck. And in this
                         President Donald Trump and his successor Joe  case, and as I think Senator Manchin said in the
                         Biden. “We are easy victims. I think there was a  hearing, this is a strategic need in the region,”
                         lot of pressure from the rank and file of the EPA  he stated.
                         during the Trump administration not to allow
                         us to get permits. And now we’re feeling the  Elusive balance
                         backlash from those people who feel like they  As of press time, the fate of the refinery remains
                         had an axe to grind,” Bryan told the St. Thomas  undecided. The EPA has not yet unveiled the
                         Source.                              final version of its plans for removing chemicals  The EPA has not
                           The governor went on to criticise the Biden  from the site of the plant, and PHRT has not
                         administration’s energy policy as unrealistic.  completed a revised timeline for re-opening.  yet unveiled the
                         “You know, I think it’s great that the president   Meanwhile, the balance that Bryan claims   final version
                         has taken off on this whole go-green thing and  to favour is likely to prove elusive. On the one
                         encouraging people to use solar and renewa-  hand, the governor’s invocation of the political   of its plans
                         bles, down to EV cars and renewable systems,”  divide between Trump supporters and Trump
                         he remarked. “But at the same time, there’s still a  critics within the US all but guarantees that   for removing
                         considerable amount of carbon-based fuels that  the matter of restarting the refinery will prove
                         are needed to keep our country going.”  contentious.                      chemicals from
                           Bryan went on to say that there was some sup-  On the other hand, Bryan’s own approach is   the site of the
                         port among US legislators for re-opening the  not always balanced. After all, less than a year
                         Limetree Bay Refinery. He hailed Joe Manchin,  ago, the governor responded to the Russian   plant.
                         a Democrat from West Virginia who serves as  invasion of Ukraine by saying it was time for the
                         head of the Senate Committee on Energy and  USVI to ditch fossil fuels entirely and convert to
                         Natural Resources, and described him as a “great  100% renewable energy as soon as possible. He
                         friend” to the USVI. “Manchin was always lob-  also claimed that his administration was ready
                         bying to the EPA for us to get the refinery piece  to team up with a major energy company that
                         done,” he commented.                 was capable of setting up solar power facilities
                           The governor called for compromise, indi-  that could cover all of the USVI’s electricity
                         cating that he would rather not see US govern-  consumption within just a few months. (For the
                         ment agencies give unconditional support to  record, that claim never came to pass.)™

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