Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 9

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Other leaks have
                                                                                                  previously occurred on

       TC Energy reveals cause of

       Keystone spill in Kansas

        NORTH AMERICA    TC Energy has pointed to several factors that it  the US since 2010. The leak was also the largest
                         says caused the Keystone pipeline to rupture in  ever on the 12-year-old pipeline. The 36-inch
                         December in rural Kansas.            (914-mm) pipeline transports 622,000 barrels
                           Calgary-based TC Energy said analysis  per day (bpd) of oil from the oil sands of Alberta
                         concludes that the failure occurred owing to  to the US Gulf of Mexico.
                         “a combination of factors, including bending   On December 7, 2022, the spill occurred in   The company
                         stress on the pipe and a weld flaw at a pipe-  Washington County, Kansas, on the section of
                         to-fitting girth weld that was completed at a  the pipeline that goes to the Cushing, Oklahoma   has said in a
                         fabrication facility”.               storage hub. The oil sands crude was spilled into
                           The pipeline’s weld flaw led to a crack that  the waters of Mill Creek.  statement that
                         increased over time as a result of ‘bending stress   TC Energy said it was continuing a remedi-
                         fatigue’, eventually leading to an instantaneous  ation plan, including an analysis of other areas  the bill for repairs
                         rupture, it said. The cause of the bending stress  with potentially similar conditions, the use of   and remediation
                         remains under investigation, the company  additional in-line inspections, and further oper-
                         continued.                           ational mitigations.                 could reach up to
                           The metallurgical analysis identified no issues   The company has said in a statement that the
                         with the strength or material properties of the  bill for repairs and remediation could reach up   $480mn.
                         pipe or manufactured fitting, said the company.  to $480mn.
                         The pipeline was operating within its operational   The pipeline is operating at a reduced pres-
                         design and within the pipeline design maximum  sure. A controlled re-start of the 96-mile (154-
                         operating pressure, continued TC Energy.  km) section from Steele City, Nebraska, to
                           An investigation by the US Pipeline and Haz-  Cushing, Oklahoma was achieved late in 2022.
                         ardous Materials Safety Administration is still  Most of the 2,687-mile (4,324-km) pipeline sys-
                         underway.                            tem was reopened a few days after the spill.
                           The volume of oil released was reported   In 2017, a leak on the pipeline led to a spill of
                         to have been 12,937 barrels, lower than the  around 6,600 barrels in North Dakota, while two
                         14,000-barrel maximum previously estimated.  years later, a spill of about 4,500 barrels of crude
                           Still, it was one of the largest onshore spills in  occurred in South Dakota.™

       Week 07   16•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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