Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The pipeline company
                                                                                                  is seeing higher use
                                                                                                  for long-haul systems
                                                                                                  including its Cactus I
                                                                                                  and Cactus II pipelines
                                                                                                  in the Permian.

       Plains predicts 2023 Permian output

       growing by 500,000 bpd

        PERMIAN BASIN    PLAINS All American Pipeline expects total  Corpus Christi on the Texas Gulf Coast.
                         crude oil production in the Permian Basin to rise   Plains reported quarterly revenues of
                         by up to 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2023,  $12.95bn for the fourth quarter of 2022 versus
                         according to officials on an earnings call for the  $12.99bn for the same period a year earlier. It had
                         fourth quarter of 2022.              fourth-quarter and full-year 2022 net income of
                           Horizontal rig counts will remain sim-  $263mn and $1.04bn respectively, and 2022 net
                         ilar in the basin in 2023, said the midstream  cash provided by operating activities of $335mn   The company
                         company.                             and $2.41bn respectively.
                           “Looking to 2023, our Permian Basin assets   The company reported better-than-expected   reported better-
                         are well positioned to benefit from continued  fourth-quarter and full-year 2022 adjusted earn-
                         production growth,” said Plains GP Hold-  ings of $659mn and $2.51bn respectively.  than-expected
                         ings’ chairman and CEO, Willie Chiang, in a   For 2023, it expects full-year 2023 adjusted
                         statement.                           earnings attributable to Plains of $2.45-2.55bn.  fourth-quarter
                           Plains’ master limited partnership (MLP)   The Permian, the US’ most prolific oil-pro-  and full-year
                         handles on average more than 7mn bpd of crude  ducing region, straddles West Texas and New
                         oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs) in the US and  Mexico. The US Energy Information Adminis-  2022 adjusted
                         Canada.                              tration (EIA) expects oil production in the basin
                           The pipeline company is seeing higher use  to reach 5.65mn bpd in February 2023 and 5.68   earnings.
                         for long-haul systems including its Cactus I and  mn in March 2023. The rate of increase has been
                         Cactus II pipelines in the Permian.  slowing, while production per-well and reserves
                           The 310-mile (499-km) Cactus I pipeline,  have been dwindling.
                         with a diameter of 20 inches (501 mm), deliv-  In its recent earnings call, ExxonMobil fore-
                         ers sweet and sour crude from the Permian to  cast that its output from the Permian would
                         the Eagle Ford JV pipeline system, which Plains  grow by 50,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         co-owns. That system has a capacity of 390,000  (boepd) in 2023 to more than 600,000 boepd.
                         bpd.                                 Despite slower growth overall in the basin, pros-
                           The Cactus II pipeline is a 26-inch (660-  pects look good for some years to come. Exxon-
                         mm) diameter, 670,000 bpd pipeline extend-  Mobil has a goal of producing 1mn boepd from
                         ing from the Permian’s Delaware sub-basin to  the Permian by December 2027.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   16•February•2023
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