Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Talos completes acquisition of EnVen

        GULF OF MEXICO   HOUSTON-BASED oil and gas company Talos  infrastructure and overlapping acreage into
                         Energy has completed its acquisition of EnVen  our portfolio, strengthening our position as a
                         Energy. The deal doubles Talos’ deepwater facil-  safe, reliable, responsible operator in the Gulf
                         ity footprint.                       of Mexico,” said Talos’ president and CEO,
                           As a result of the $1.1bn acquisition, Talos  Timothy Duncan.
                         now has almost 126.4mn shares of common   “The added scale and greater free cash flow
                         stock and a market capitalisation of around  generation ability also allows us to be even more
                         $2.5bn, based on its closing share price on Feb-  competitive in our carbon capture and seques-
                         ruary 10, 2023.                      tration business,” he added.
                           Talos shareholders now own about 66% of   The company said it would detail its plans
                         the resulting company while the equity holders  when it provided its 2023 financial and oper-
                         of EnVen own 34%.                    ational guidance to investors along with its
                           Talos is a technically driven independent  fourth-quarter and full-year 2022 earnings
                         exploration and production company, with  report on February 28.
                         operations in the US Gulf of Mexico and offshore   Talos is one of the largest independent opera-
                         Mexico. It is also involved in carbon capture and  tors in the US Gulf, with production operations,
                         storage (CCS) on the Gulf Coast. EnVen, a pri-  prospects, leases and seismic databases spanning
                         vately owned firm, operates mostly in the deep-  both deep and shallow waters. In deep water,
                         water US Gulf.                       before the acquisition it had roughly 162mn bar-
                           Talos’ senior management team will lead the  rels of oil equivalent (boe) of reserves, average
                         combined company, and two directors from  daily production of 65,000 barrels of oil equiv-
                         EnVen have been appointed to the board of  alent per day (boepd), and 1.2mn gross acres
                         directors.                           (4,856 square km) under lease.
                           “We are excited to close the EnVen trans-  EnVen produces around 24,000 boepd, which
                         action, which adds significant scale and diver-  is more than 80% oil-weighted with over 95%
                         sity to our business and integrate[s] these  coming from the deepwater Gulf. It operates five
                         high-margin, oil-weighted assets, operated  major deepwater facilities.™

       Thailand’s Banpu to pursue US shale gas

        US               BANPU, the largest coal producer in Thailand,  products such as gas is intensifying.
                         has reaffirmed its plans to boost investment   Banpu has previously said that BKV would
                         in US shale gas as it moves into lower-carbon  seek to invest in upstream US gas businesses,
                         resources.                           while another subsidiary, Banpu Power, would
                           “There remains a vast potential of power  pursue investments in gas-fired power plants.
                         and natural gas business in the US that can help   In May 2022, BKV agreed to buy natural gas
                         Banpu achieve its shift away from coal,” Banpu’s  upstream and midstream operations in the Bar-
                         CEO, Somruedee Chaimongkol, told Bloomb-  nett shale region in Texas from XTO Energy and
                         erg in an interview on February 13.  Barnett Gathering, both subsidiaries of Exxon-
                           The Bangkok-based company will list BKV,  Mobil, for $750mn.
                         its US natural gas unit, on the New York Stock   BKV acquired around 160,000 total net acres
                         Exchange (NYSE) later in 2023. The timing has  (647 square km) primarily in Tarrant, Johnson
                         not yet been decided, said Somruedee. Natural  and Parker counties, and additional smaller
                         gas prices have been unstable.       positions in Jack, Wise, Denton, Erath, Hood
                           Somruedee has previously said that Banpu  and Ellis counties. The assets included low-de-
                         would cut revenue that it generates from coal  cline wells and high-average working interests of
                         from around two-thirds now to 50% by 2025,  about 93% in more than 2,100 wells with opera-
                         replacing the income partly with that from nat-  torship positions.
                         ural gas. Banpu will also delve further into power   The transaction also included roughly 750
                         production and green technologies such as car-  miles (1,207 km) of gathering pipelines, com-
                         bon capture and storage (CCS) and solar.  pression and processing midstream infrastruc-
                           The economy in Thailand, the second larg-  ture. The acquisition was completed in July
                         est in South-east Asia, is slowing, prompting  2022.
                         Thai companies to look overseas for invest-  Banpu had previously purchased gas busi-
                         ment opportunities. Additionally, the pressure  nesses in the Barnett and Marcellus shale plays
                         on companies globally to reduce their carbon  with a total production capacity of 700mn cubic
                         emissions, such as those from coal, to cleaner  feet (19.8mn cubic metres) per day.™

       Week 07   16•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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