Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Enbridge targets higher volumes

       on Canadian Mainline in 2023

        CANADA           CALGARY-BASED  Enbridge is expecting  he did not divulge further details for commercial
                         higher throughput volumes on its Canadian  reasons. “These discussions take time,” he said,
                         Mainline system in 2023 compared with the pre-  adding that Enbridge was factoring in the impact
                         vious year. This is expected as incremental heavy  of the planned start-up of the Trans Mountain
                         oil barrels are produced in the Western Canadian  pipeline expansion, which will provide shippers
                         Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), Enbridge’s CEO,  with an alternate route out of the WCSB.
                         Greg Ebel, told analysts on an earnings call.  The Trans Mountain expansion is targeted to
                           “Our Mainline is running full and average  be in service in late 2023 and will move an addi-
                         throughput was 2.96mn bpd [barrels per day]  tional 590,000 bpd of crude from the Edmonton
                         in 2022,” Ebel said. “In January and February we  hub to Burnaby, British Columbia, on the Cana-
                         will exceed that as we hustle to move every barrel  dian Pacific Coast.      On top of
                         we can from the basin.”                “We expect the Mainline will remain well
                           The pipeline operator anticipates WCSB out-  utilised once [the Trans Mountain expansion]   providing
                         put growing between now and 2030, and “as the  is in service,” Ebel said. “We are talking to our
                         basin grows our system will fill back up,” he said,  shippers about the expansion and its impact   additional
                         without giving any figures.          will be accounted for in the commercial tolling
                           An independent report issued in late Decem-  outcome.”                    capacity, the
                         ber by S&P Global Commodity Insights pro-  Land-locked Western Canadian producers   pipeline operator
                         jected that Canadian crude and condensate  are expected to seek opportunities to ship their
                         output would rise from 4.4mn bpd in 2022 to  crude to markets through both the Mainline and   is also in talks
                         4.9mn bpd in 2030.                   Trans Mountain expansion in order to overcome
                           The Mainline system, which is over 3,000  negative price differentials and ensure a higher  with its shippers
                         miles (4,828 km) in length, ships Canadian  rate of return on their investment.
                         heavy and light barrels from Edmonton to   Western Canadian oil sands, heavy and light   over new tolling
                         Gretna on the Canadian-US border. From there,  oil producers alike are awaiting the start-up of   agreements.
                         the volumes flow onto Enbridge’s Lakehead sys-  Trans Mountain expansion.
                         tem, which supplies crude to refineries in the   “We stand to benefit from improved and sta-
                         Midwest and US Gulf Coast regions.   ble Western Canadian Select pricing and also
                           On top of providing additional capacity, the  it complements our strong Gulf Coast pricing
                         pipeline operator is also in talks with its shippers  from our Eagle Ford operations and our light oil
                         over new tolling agreements that include two  production in Western Canada,” Baytex Energy’s
                         options – a new incentive rate-making deal or  vice president for capital markets, Brian Ector,
                         a cost-of-service application, Ebel said, though  said separately in an email.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   16•February•2023
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