Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2023
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Surge anticipated in US oil M&As in

       2023 after slowdown last year

       Merger and acquisition activity in the US oil industry slowed last year but

       could rebound in 2023 as public companies seek new inventory and private

       equity players continue to sell up

        US               IN 2022, US upstream mergers and acquisitions  Private and public
                         (M&As) totalled $58bn across 160 deals, with  Private equity sellers have been responsible for
       WHAT:             $13bn transacted in 26 deals during the fourth  most of the assets on the market in recent years,
       US oil and gas M&A   quarter,  according  to  Enverus  Intelligence  and Enverus said it expected that trend to con-
       activity could rebound   Research. The figure for the whole of 2022 was  tinue. These capital providers are seeking to
       this year after slowing   down 13% compared with 2021.  unwind substantial investments in oil and gas,
       in 2022.            Deal values were down by about 20% from  either because they are coming up against the
                         pre-pandemic levels, and the volume of deals  end of a fund life, or for environmental, social
       WHY:              has declined to a nearly 20-year low, said the  and governance (ESG) reasons – or both.
       Private equity players   research company. Volatility in the oil and gas   Concurrently, public companies’ appetite for
       continue to sell out of   markets contributed to making deals harder to  inventory gives them an ideal window to sell.
       the space, while public   finalise.                    However, there are few fire-sale bargains to be
       companies are seeking   Even so, large companies drove M&A activity  had, and sellers are willing to walk away from a
       new inventory.    in 2022 by targeting high-quality assets in bil-  deal if none of the offers meet their minimum
                         lion-dollar-plus deals. They could continue the  price. This further complicates matters for small
       WHAT NEXT:        activity in 2023 given their high profits for the  companies.
       Producers are also   previous year, some analysts have suggested.  “There are a few options available for small
       looking at how best   “These [large-cap] buyers have the balance  cap companies struggling to secure inventory
       to spend the profits   sheet strength and favourable stock valuations  in the current market,” said Dittmar. “Corpo-
       accumulated in recent   to take advantage of large, high-quality offerings  rate M&A hasn’t been a significant part of the
       months.           from private sellers,” said an Enervus director,  market since 2020, but we could see a return to
                         Andrew Dittmar. “Critically, they can strike  public company deals this year either from small
                         deals that are both accretive to current cash flow  companies combining in mergers of equals to
                         and extend their runway of drilling locations,”  build scale and hopefully get a higher multiple
                         he added.                            on their stock or selling to larger competitors
                           “For smaller companies, which are still having  that already trades at a premium valuation.”
                         their equity value discounted, it is challenging to   According to Enverus, the need for public
                         thread the needle of buying assets at accretive  companies to secure inventory is likely to keep
                         multiples and being able to pay for inventory,”  the M&A market active in 2023. However, the
                         he continued.                        challenge for those making the deals will be

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