Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 27
P. 14

FSUOGM                                            POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Turkmenistan reportedly wins 3-yr

       arbitration case against Iran

        TURKMENISTAN     THE International Court of Arbitration (ICA)  price hike, raising the prices of its gas exports to
                         has reportedly announced its verdict over a  $360 from $40 per 1,000 cubic metres.
       Iran and Turkmenistan   three-year-long Iran-Turkmenistan gas row, but   NIGC has long relied on a gas swap deal with
       have been embroiled   the details of the verdict have not officially been  Turkmenistan to supply gas to northern Iranian
       in a dispute over gas   disclosed, according to a report by Iran’s Finan-  provinces during the cold winter months.
       pricing and debts.  cial Tribune newspaper.              Analysts were left puzzled in 2017 by Turk-
                           The report, in turn, cited the Islamic  menistan’s decision to stop gas exports to Iran
                         Republic News Agency (IRNA) referring to  as it left Ashgabat with China as its only viable
                         information from the Oil Ministry and the  gas export customer. While the situation has
                         National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC). The  improved since then with Turkmenistan regain-
                         report noted that the verdict “convicts” Iran  ing Russia as an importer of Turkmen gas in
                         for failing to pay for gas it bought from Turk-  2019, the gas-exports-reliant Central Asian
                         menistan in 2007-2013, making Iran liable to  nation’s economy felt the heat of poor deci-
                         pay $2bn to Ashgabat to settle its debt. The  sion-making by Turkmen authorities through-
                         ministry and the NIGC said that under the  out 2017-2019.
                         ICA arbitration rules, the details of the ver-  ICA’s decision, if honoured by the Iranian
                         dict would not be revealed unless the two sides  side, would be welcome news for Turkmeni-
                         agree on releasing them.             stan, which has seen its battered economy and
                           In April 2018, Turkmenistan and Iran agreed  its budget plunge further into financial obliv-
                         to go to an international tribunal over the gas  ion in 2020 due to the impacts of the corona-
                         row. Ashgabat said Tehran owes Turkmenistan  virus (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown
                         some $1.8bn of historical gas dues that built up  measures.
                         over several years, while Iran disputed this and   Turkmenistan has been claiming to have zero
                         said Turkmenistan had changed its prices retro-  cases of coronavirus infections despite taking
                         spectively. The Turkmen foreign ministry had  some measures to curb the spread of unnamed
                         said that Iran’s debts stem from the NIGC’s fail-  “infectious diseases”. Experts doubt the Turk-
                         ure to abide by a “take or pay” provision of the  men leadership’s data, as independent reports
                         gas supply contract. Prior to the development of  have indicated that nearly all regions of the coun-
                         the row, Turkmenistan demanded a ninefold gas  try appear to be having cases of the virus. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   08•July•2020
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