Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       COVID-19 complicates

       oil sands recovery

       A new outbreak of COVID-19 among workers at Canada’s

       oil sands is hampering the region’s recovery efforts in

       the middle of the maintenance season

        ALBERTA          ALBERTA’S oil sands region – which has been  Oil sands impact
                         hit by major challenges in recent years – is now  Oil sands operators have not reported any
       WHAT:             seeing its recovery efforts being hampered by  impact to production thus far, but the out-
       Alberta’s oil sands region   new outbreaks of the coronavirus (COVID-  breaks are affecting seasonal maintenance
       is struggling with new   19). This is playing out against the backdrop of  work during what is traditionally a busy time
       outbreaks of COVID-19.  a broader resurgence of infections across Can-  for the industry.
                         ada, with the situation in Alberta exacerbated   Suncor Energy was reported to have post-
       WHY:              by thousands of oilfield workers flying in for the  poned the shutdown for maintenance of the U2
       Canada more broadly   maintenance season.              upgrader at its Base Plant from May to June as a
       is dealing with a   As of April 28, 12 oil sands production sites  result of the outbreaks. Two other Suncor sites
       resurgence of the virus,   had been listed for outbreaks of the virus, with  have also been linked to outbreaks.
       and thousands of oilfield   over 2,000 cases linked to the facilities and 752   Suncor has implemented protocols to keep
       workers are travelling   of these considered active, according to data  workers safe and is offering rapid antigen
       to Alberta for the   from Alberta Health. Indeed, the Regional  screening to quickly detect asymptomatic indi-
       maintenance season.  Municipality of Wood Buffalo in north-east-  viduals, keeping transmission rates “very low”,
                         ern Alberta declared a state of local emergency  the company told Bloomberg this week.
       WHAT NEXT:        owing to rising COVID-19 case numbers ear-  Suncor is the majority owner in Syncrude
       So far, no impact to oil   lier this week. The municipality encompasses  Canada, which is also battling an outbreak of
       sands production has   the town of Fort McMurray and is the centre of  COVID-19. A Syncrude spokesman, Will Gib-
       been reported, but the   Alberta’s oil sands production. The region now  son, told Bloomberg that the project had begun
       outbreaks are affecting   has the highest number of cases per capita in  maintenance involving 2,000 people from the
       maintenance work.  the province, and the municipality said it was  local communities and around Alberta on
                         contending with at least 17 separate outbreaks,  its 350,000 barrel per day (bpd) upgrader last
                         including at oil sands camps.        month but had subsequently stretched the work

                                                                                                  Canadian Natural
                                                                                                  Resources Ltd’s Horizon
                                                                                                  upgrader is one of the
                                                                                                  facilities affected by

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   29•April•2021
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