Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Big changes under Biden

       for US oil and gas

       US President Joe Biden’s push to prioritise the fight against

       climate change means major changes for the country’s oil

       and gas industry

        US               US President Joe Biden has made it clear since  below 2005 levels by 2025. The US is currently
                         taking office in January that he will make cli-  not even halfway to meeting that goal, with
       WHAT:             mate change mitigation efforts a priority. This  Trump taking the country out of the Paris agree-
       US President Joe Biden’s   has major implications for the country’s oil and  ment, only for it to be subsequently returned to
       push to prioritise climate   gas industry as it attempts to bounce back from  it by Biden this year.
       change mitigation   years of low prices. And Biden’s latest moves   While the new goal has been welcomed
       efforts has significant   mark a continuation – even an acceleration – of  by environmental groups and various other
       implications for oil and   this trend, which oil and gas players will have to  advocates of decarbonisation – a move that
       gas.              factor into their plans as they figure out how to  increasingly includes national governments and
                         move forward.                        corporations – others have warned that achiev-
       WHY:                Last week, at a virtual international climate  ing it will be an uphill struggle.
       The Biden administration   summit that he convened, Biden unveiled a   In particular, power generation and trans-
       is taking a far tougher   new target for the US to cut its greenhouse gas  portation are two sectors where significant
       stance on greenhouse gas   (GHG) emissions by 50-52% compared with  changes would be required. According to the
       (GHG) emissions than the   2005 levels by 2030. And this week, the US  Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
       US had done previously.  Senate, which is narrowly controlled by Biden’s  annual inventory of GHG emissions, transpor-
                         Democrats, voted to reverse former President  tation generates 29% of US emissions, followed
       WHAT NEXT:        Donald Trump’s efforts to relax regulations on  by electricity generation at 25% and industry at
       Obama-era regulations   methane emissions from oil and gas operations  23%. Unsurprisingly, this stands to have a sig-
       for methane emissions   brought in by his predecessor, Barack Obama.  nificant impact on oil and gas, with the picture
       from oil and gas                                       further complicated by the ongoing debate over
       operations are set to be   Major task                  the role of natural gas in the future energy mix.
       re-instated.      The new emissions-reduction commitment   The energy industry has long argued that gas
                         represents a more than doubling of the US’ prior  has a crucial role to play as a transition fuel – and
                         target under the 2015 Paris climate agreement,  even a destination fuel. But Biden’s rhetoric and
                         when Obama pledged to cut emissions 26-28%  early initiatives suggest a tougher stance, with

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