Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Trans Mountain expansion construction

       stalled on bird habitat concerns

        WESTERN          ENVIRONMENT and Climate Change Canada   The Trans Mountain system is owned by
        CANADA           has ordered a halt to construction on a section  the federal government, which took over from
                         of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion  Kinder Morgan in 2018 in a bid to save the
                         through a forest in Burnaby, British Columbia,  expansion project when it looked like it was in
                         until August 20. The pause has been ordered  danger of being cancelled amid ongoing legal
                         amid concerns over the impact of construction  and regulatory challenges. Trans Mountain
                         on bird habitats, and will last until the end of the  said it was proceeding with activities that were
                         nesting season.                      not restricted by the Environment and Climate
                           The government department said the order  Change Canada order, and that there had been
                         had been issued following two on-site inspec-  no change to the projected construction comple-
                         tions by an enforcement officer. The inspections  tion date of December 2022.
                         had been prompted by complaints by a local con-  The expansion project is designed to triple   Trans Mountain
                         servation group that nests of the Anna’s hum-  the capacity of the existing Trans Mountain pipe-
                         mingbird and other migratory birds were being  line between Edmonton, Alberta and Burnaby   said it was
                         damaged by work on the pipeline.     on the BC coast to about 890,000 barrels per day
                           “Given that it is nesting season, migratory  (bpd). The expanded pipeline will carry diluted   proceeding
                         birds are particularly vulnerable at this time,”  bitumen, lighter crudes and refined fuel, and is
                         Environment and Climate Change Canada  anticipated to open up a new route for oil sands   with activities
                         said in an emailed statement reported by the  crude to reach the coast and be shipped on to   that were not
                         Canadian Press. “Cutting vegetation and trees  Asia.
                         or carrying out other disruptive activities such   The company has not commented on how   restricted by the
                         as bulldozing or using chainsaws and heavy  the order will affect the expansion project’s costs
                         machinery in the vicinity of active nests will  – which have already escalated to CAD12.6bn  Environment and
                         likely result in disturbance or destruction of  ($10.3bn) in recent years.
                         those nests.”                          Trans Mountain also said it was in talks with   Climate Change
                           The order covers a 1,000-metre area along  Environment and Climate Change Canada to   Canada order.
                         Highway 1, where Trans Mountain has been  determine how it can mitigate the disturbance
                         asked to “refrain from disturbing, destroying  to migratory birds during the nesting period.
                         or taking a nest or an egg of a migratory bird”.   “Trans Mountain’s policies and procedures
                         The company was also ordered to immediately  for the protection of migratory birds and their
                         stop any activity, including tree trimming and  habitat were developed in consultation with
                         cutting, which may require the use of heavy  stakeholders and communities and have been
                         machinery that could disturb and destroy nests  extensively reviewed by federal and provincial
                         along a 900-metre area along the Brunette River.  regulatory authorities,” it said.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   29•April•2021
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