Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              to finding real solutions to help tackle the   consistent asset performance and operational
                                           climate crisis and lower emissions, all while   excellence,” said Bill Berry, chief executive
       Canada joins US in                  creating jobs, strengthening the economy and   officer.
                                                                                  The company reported net income of
                                           growing the middle class. Since October, the
       establishing net-zero               Government of Canada has committed to   $259.6mn, or $0.72 per diluted share, for the
                                                                                quarter ended March 31, 2021. In first quarter
                                           invest CAD53.6bn into a green recovery.
       producers forum                     Producers Forum follows yesterday’s   2021, typically excluded items in aggregate
                                             Today’s decision to join the Net-Zero
                                                                                represented $19.2mn, or $0.05 per diluted
       Today, the Minister of Natural Resources,   announcement by the Government of   share, of Continental’s reported net income.
       the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr.,   Canada to increase its Nationally Determined   Adjusted net income for first quarter 2021
       announced Canada will join the United States   Contribution under the Paris Agreement to   was $278.9mn, or $0.77 per diluted share
       in establishing a new Net-Zero Producers   reduce emissions by 40-45% below 2005 levels   (non-GAAP). Net cash provided by operating
       Forum, a platform for oil and gas–producing   by 2030 and move forward on a path to reach   activities for first quarter 2021 was $1.04bn
       countries to discuss how the sector can   net-zero emissions by 2050.    and EBITDAX was $962.6mn (non-GAAP).
       support the implementation of the Paris   NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA, April 23, 2021  CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, April 28, 2021
       Agreement on climate change and the goal of
       achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.                                    Enerplus transitions bank
         In parallel to the Leaders’ Summit on   UPSTREAM
       Climate, Canada, Norway, Qatar, Saudi                                    credit facility to a $900mn
       Arabia and the United States – collectively   Continental Resources
       representing 40% of global oil and gas                                   sustainability-linked facility
       production – came together to create a   delivers outstanding 1Q21
       cooperative forum to develop pragmatic                                   and extends maturity to
       net-zero emission strategies. The forum   financial results; reinstates
       will discuss ways to improve methane                                     2025
       abatement; advance the circular carbon   dividend and accelerates
       economy approach; develop and deploy                                     Enerplus today announced that it has
       clean-energy and carbon capture, use   shareholder returns               increased and extended its senior, unsecured
       and storage technologies; diversify from                                 bank credit facility to $900mn with a maturity
       reliance on hydrocarbon revenues; and   Continental Resources today announced its   date of October 31, 2025; incorporating
       other measures in line with each country’s   first-quarter 2021 operating and financial   sustainability-linked performance targets to
       national circumstances. For its part, Canada   results.                  establish a sustainability-linked credit facility
       has already introduced a world-leading price   “Continental’s outstanding first quarter   (SLL credit facility) with no changes to its
       on pollution, which is helping to reduce   results and accelerated shareholder returns,   existing pricing grid or covenant package.
       greenhouse gas emissions and invest in the   which includes our reinstated dividend and   “We continuously look to further integrate
       clean energy future.                exceptional progress on debt reduction,   the company’s environmental, social
         As the world’s fourth-largest oil and   underscore Continental’s commitment   and governance (ESG) goals and targets
       gas producer, Canada is fully committed   to delivering strong cash flow generation,   into all aspects of our business,” said Jodi
                                                                                Jenson Labrie, senior vice-president and
                                                                                chief financial officer. “As the first North
                                                                                American exploration and production
                                                                                company to link ESG performance targets to
                                                                                its principal revolving credit facility, we are
                                                                                further demonstrating our commitment to
                                                                                developing our resources responsibly, safely
                                                                                and profitably. Furthermore, our SLL credit
                                                                                facility aligns with the performance metrics
                                                                                in our balanced executive compensation
                                                                                scorecard and we expect it to enhance our
                                                                                access to credit markets and support our
                                                                                cost of capital in the future. In addition, the
                                                                                increase of our SLL credit facility to $900mn,
                                                                                from $600mn, provides Enerplus with ample
                                                                                liquidity to close our recent asset acquisition
                                                                                and support our ongoing business activities.”
                                                                                  The senior unsecured SLL credit facility
                                                                                incorporates ESG-linked incentive pricing
                                                                                terms which reduce or increase the borrowing
                                                                                costs by up to 5 basis points as Enerplus’
                                                                                sustainability performance targets (SPT) are
                                                                                exceeded or missed, respectively.
                                                                                ENERPLUS, April 29, 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   29•April•2021
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