Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                fundamentals, financial strength and capital
                                                                                allocation approach will enable us to continue
                                                                                delivering significant long-term value for our
                                                                                MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, April 29,

                                                                                Oceaneering reports first-

                                                                                quarter 2021 results

                                                                                Oceaneering International today reported
                                                                                a net loss of $9.4mn, or $(0.09) per share,
                                                                                on revenue of $438mn for the three months
                                           Magellan Midstream reports           was $2.8mn, or $0.03 per share, reflecting,
       MIDSTREAM                                                                ended March 31, 2021. Adjusted net income
       Navigator Holdings                  first-quarter 2021 financial         among other things, the impact of $3.2mn
                                                                                of pre-tax adjustments associated with
       announces it has been               results and raises 2021              restructuring and other expenses and foreign
                                                                                exchange losses recognised during the quarter,
       awarded four handysize              annual guidance                      and $9.6mn of discrete tax adjustments.
                                                                                  During the prior quarter ended December
       time charter contracts to           Magellan Midstream Partners today reported   31, 2020, Oceaneering reported a net
                                                                                loss of $25mn, or $(0.25) per share, on
                                           net income of $221.3mn for first quarter 2021
       load ambient LPG from the           compared to $287.6mn for first quarter 2020.   revenue of $424mn. Adjusted net income
                                                                                was $1.8mn, or $0.02 per share, reflecting,
                                           Diluted net income per common unit was 99
       new LPG export terminal             cents in first quarter 2021 and $1.26 in first   among other things, the impact of $9.8mn
                                                                                of pre-tax adjustments associated with asset
                                           quarter 2020.
       in Prince Rupert, British           mark-to-market (MTM) commodity-      impairments and write-offs, restructuring and
                                              Diluted net income per unit excluding
                                                                                other expenses, and foreign exchange losses
       Columbia, Canada                    related pricing adjustments, a non-generally   recognized during the quarter, and $9.6mn of
                                           accepted accounting principles (non-GAAP)
                                                                                discrete tax adjustments.
       Navigator Holdings, today announced it has   financial measure, was $1.09 for first quarter   OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL, April 28, 2021
       agreed four 12-month time charter contracts   2021. These results were higher than the
       with Mitsui & Co. Energy Trading Singapore   75-cent guidance provided by management
       to be used for Pembina Pipeline Corporation’s   in early February primarily due to higher-  ENERGY TRANSITION
       new LPG export facility at Prince Rupert,   than-expected commodity margins from an
       British Columbia, Canada. The four semi-  improved pricing environment, an overall   Enbridge partners with
       refrigerated handysize vessels are expected to   favourable impact from the recent winter
       commence their charters to Mitsui from the   storms and other one-time positive items.  Walker Industries and
       second half of May 2021. Navigator’s semi-  Distributable cash flow (DCF), a non-
       refrigerated vessels are capable of loading   GAAP financial measure that represents the   Comcor Environmental to
       ambient propane from the rail-supplied   amount of cash generated during the period
       export terminal, negating the need for capital   that is available to pay distributions, was   develop renewable natural
       intensive on-shore chillers. The vessels will   $276.5mn for first quarter 2021 compared to
       provide an essential part of the Canadian   $306.5mn for first quarter 2020.  gas projects across Canada
       LPG value chain from production to final   “Magellan started the year with stronger-
       customer. Navigator will connect the last leg   than-expected results, underscoring the   Today, Enbridge, Walker Industries and
       of this value chain by delivering safe, reliable   essential nature of our services and the   Comcor Environmental, announced a
       and efficient seaborne transportation services   flexibility of our asset portfolio to respond   partnership to jointly develop renewable
       connecting the export terminal to customers   to changing market dynamics,” said Michael   natural gas (RNG) projects across Canada.
       across the Pacific Ocean. The vessels, together   Mears, chief executive officer. “Although   The partnership aims to transform landfill
       with Pembina’s new export terminal in Prince   our nation continues to recover from the   waste into carbon-neutral energy, which will
       Rupert, and Mitsui’s trading network in the   pandemic, Magellan’s outlook for the full year   be injected into local natural gas distribution
       global LPG market, will enable Canadian   has improved based on our outperformance   networks across Canada, reducing the overall
       produced LPG to be exported outside the   during the first quarter and a more   carbon emission of the gas supply used to
       traditional North American markets.  favorable commodity pricing environment   heat homes, power businesses and fuel vehicle
       NAVIGATOR HOLDINGS, April 23, 2021  for our gas liquids blending activities. We   fleets.
                                           remain confident that Magellan’s business   The partnership brings together industry

       Week 17   29•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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