Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Hess beats first-quarter profit estimates

        US               US independent Hess has reported a net profit  remaining cargoes for a higher price than crude
                         of $252mn for the first quarter of 2021, up from  was fetching at the time that it chartered the
                         a net loss of $2.4bn in the first quarter of 2020.  VLCCs – US oil prices averaged $58 per barrel
                         The result is more than double what analysts had  over the first quarter of this year. On the com-
                         anticipated, according to Reuters, with higher oil  pany’s earnings call, Hess’ chief financial officer,
                         prices helping to boost profits.     John Rielly, said the sale of the two cargoes had
       Hess benefited from   Hess also benefited from a strategy to store  increased net income by around $70mn in the
       selling the cargoes it   some of its crude on oil tankers last year as the  quarter.
       had been storing on   coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused a   Hess said its net production – excluding
       VLCCs.            new downturn in crude prices and demand.  Libya, which is attempting to recover from a
                         While the company – like other US producers  civil war – fell to 315,000 barrels of oil equiv-
                         – was forced to scale back shale activity, it man-  alent per day (boepd) in the first quarter. At
                         aged to offset the impact of this by chartering  the same time, the company’s average realised
                         three very large crude carriers (VLCCs) to store  selling price for crude, excluding hedges, rose
                         6mn barrels of output from its operations in the  to $52.52 per barrel from $39.45 in the fourth
                         Bakken play.                         quarter of 2020.
                           These volumes equated to Hess’ Bakken pro-  For the whole year, Hess has revised its pro-
                         duction from May, June and July last year. This  duction guidance to 290,000-295,000 boepd
                         allowed the company to produce more than it  excluding Libya, from previous expectations of
                         would have been able to had it been limited to  around 310,000 boepd. This is attributed to lower
                         onshore storage – of which there was a shortage  natural gas liquids (NGLs) volumes received
                         during the worst of last year’s downturn.  as consideration from percentage of proceeds
                           The first of these cargoes was sold in Septem-  (POP) contracts, the impact of asset sales and
                         ber 2020. Hess has since been able to sell the two  adverse winter weather in North Dakota.™

       Schlumberger predicts quicker

       recovery than before

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD services giant Schlumberger has  forward,” commented Le Peuch. “The quarter
                         revised its projections for the pace of the oil and  unfolded as we anticipated, with acceleration in
                         gas industry’s recovery.             North America activity and momentum contin-
                           Schlumberger’s CEO, Olivier Le Peuch, said  uing to build in the international markets aside
                         on the company’s earnings call last week that  from the usual seasonal effects.”
                         oil demand would reach pre-pandemic levels   Schlumberger’s international revenue for the
                         by the end of 2022. This would mark a quicker  first quarter came in at $4.2bn, down 3% sequen-
                         recovery than the one he projected during  tially from $4.3bn and also marking a decline of
                         Schlumberger’s previous earnings release three  19% y/y from $5.2bn. Its North American rev-
                         months ago.                          enue was also down both sequentially and y/y,
                           “I believe it’s clear that we are about to enter  by 17% and 55% respectively. However, Schlum-
                         demand-led recovery,” Le Peuch said in response  berger noted that it had disposed of certain
                         to an analyst question, describing it as a mul-  North American businesses in the fourth quar-
                         ti-year recovery cycle.              ter of 2020 that had contributed to the revenue
                           Le Peuch’s comments come as oil prices are  decline for that region.
                         being bolstered by increasing rates of vaccina-  The company expects international oilfield
                         tion against the coronavirus (COVID-19), and  activity to ramp up over the course of 2021, while
                         some pick-up in travel. Schlumberger’s per-  anticipating that activity in North America will
                         formance in the first quarter indicates that the  remain at the levels required to maintain existing
                         recovery is still at an early stage – the company  production.
                         reported revenue of $5.2bn and net income of   “We have greater confidence in the previous
                         $299mn for the quarter. This was down slightly  guidance of a double-digit increase in interna-
                         on revenue of $5.5bn and net income of $374mn  tional revenue in the second half when com-
                         in the fourth quarter of 2020, but while revenue  pared to the same period last year and, absent a
                         was also down year on year from $7.5bn, the  setback in post-pandemic recovery, we foresee
                         company’s latest profit was a significant improve-  an upside for full-year growth internationally,
                         ment on a loss of $7.4bn a year ago.  resulting in a stronger footing as we enter 2022,”
                           “The first quarter of 2021 was a strong step  said Le Peuch.™

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