Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Biden
                                                                                                  administration is set
                                                                                                  to restore Obama-era
                                                                                                  regulations on methane
                                                                                                  emissions from oil and

                         him seeking to put the US on a path towards  week that her company supports the direct reg-
                         phasing out fossil fuels altogether over the long  ulation of methane.
                           Thus far the Biden administration has pro-  What next?
                         vided few details on how it intends to reach its  Biden has sought to reassure the oil and gas
                         new 2030 emissions target – and also one to be  industry on various aspects of his plans – such
                         producing 100% carbon emissions-free electric-  as the fact that he will not seek to ban hydraulic
                         ity by 2035. However, it has mentioned the pos-  fracturing. But uncertainty remains over how
                         sibility of retrofitting power plants with carbon  other issues will play out.
                         capture capacity, among other measures.  For example, prior to Biden taking office, it
                           Biden’s plans are likely to be resisted by cer-  was expected that he would seek to ban future
                         tain industries, as well as the Republican Party,  federal leasing for oil and gas drilling altogether.
                         and it is worth noting that a future administra-  However, there has been no indication since that
                         tion could seek to undo some of the steps he is  the administration brought in a moratorium
                         pursuing. But until more concrete details are  on leasing in order to review current practices
                         provided, considerable uncertainty remains.  that this moratorium is about to be made per-
                                                              manent. Indeed, new US Secretary of the Inte-
                         Reinstating regulations              rior Deb Haaland said in February, prior to her
                         What is clear, however, is that the industry can  appointment being finalised, that the measure
                         expect to be regulated more strictly. This is evi-  would be a temporary one.
                         dent from the Biden administration’s review of   Similarly, the US Federal Energy Regulatory
                         oil and gas leasing on federal land and in federal  Commission’s (FERC) new chairman, Richard
                         waters, as well as this week’s Senate vote on meth-  Glick, has sought to reassure the energy indus-
                         ane emissions regulations.           try that he is not opposed to pipelines. At the   The Biden
                           The Democrat-held House of Representa-  same time, though, he wants to regulate them
                         tives is now expected to approve the measure  more carefully, including by considering their   administration’s
                         and send it to Biden, who is anticipated to sign  GHG emissions. The FERC process for evalu-  position on
                         it into law. This will re-instate the 2012 and 2016  ating pipeline applications is also under review
                         Oil and Natural Gas New Source Performance  now, further adding to current uncertainty   natural gas in
                         Standards set by the Obama administration.  over what to expect in the coming months and
                         Trump’s rollback of the regulations last year  years.                      particular has
                         eliminated federal requirements for oil and gas   The gas industry has additional worries
                         companies to monitor and repair methane leaks  because Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure   yet to be set out
                         from pipelines, storage facilities and wells.  plan, unveiled earlier this month, appears to   more clearly.
                           It is worth noting that a number of oil and  overlook pipelines at the same time as it seeks to
                         gas companies have come out in support of  allocate funding to roads and other areas.
                         methane regulations, as their performance on   The Biden administration’s position on nat-
                         environmental, social and governance (ESG)  ural gas in particular has yet to be set out more
                         issues becomes increasingly more important  clearly, and the industry is hoping that the
                         to investors and the public. Among those sup-  challenges of the energy transition will soften
                         porting methane regulations are ExxonMobil  the president’s stance over time. Nonetheless,
                         and Europe-based counterparts BP and Royal  there is already much that is changing since the
                         Dutch Shell. And Occidental Petroleum’s pres-  Trump presidency and the oil and gas industry
                         ident and CEO, Vicki Hollub, told the Senate  is preparing for a dramatically different land-
                         Energy and Natural Resources Committee this  scape over the coming years.™

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