Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 15 2022
P. 17
Talon Energy, TMK's joint venture ambulances with fuel 24/7 free of charge. Turkmen offshore fields with Azerbaijan's
partner, is funding a drilling campaign There are around 60 SOCAR fuel stations energy transportation infrastructure via a
via a $4.65mn two-stage farm-out in Ukraine. Not much later, on March medium-capacity pipeline.
arrangement signed in February of last 2, the company reported that they were According to Mustard, the project
year. The current four-well drilling and experiencing problems. involves much less investment than the
testing program has been awarded $1.5mn Trans-Caspian pipeline project. Mustard
in initial funding. currently estimates the Caspian Connector
The project is located approximately 20 Chevron-led consortium project at $500-800mn.
kilometres from the Chinese-Mongolian Mustard reportedly said that he believed
border, as well as near the northern China Tengizchevroil partially the Caspian Connector was a “fairly simple”
gas transmission and distribution network. project that can guarantee Turkmenistan an
restores daily oil output at annual export of 10bn to 12bn cubic metres
of natural gas in just 24 months.
Gazprom announces Tengiz oilfield
temporary cessation of gas Chevron-led consortium Tengizchevroil BP drills a new exploration
partially restored oil output at its giant
supply to Armenia Tengiz oilfield in Kazakhstan on April 11 well in the Caspian Sea
following a sharp decline in production
Gazprom-Armenia has announced a after Russia reported alleged damage at the BP, as the operator of the shallow water
temporary cessation of gas supply to Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) Black exploration, development and production-
Armenia. Sea terminal in March, Reuters reported, sharing agreement around the Absheron
"Due to restoration work on the Red citing two sources. Peninsula, has released a statement that the
Bridge-Sevkar-Berd gas pipeline, gas supply Daily oil output at Tengiz oil field stood Satti self-propelled drilling rig has been
to Armenia will be stopped from 10:00 on at 556,157 barrels per day (bpd) on April transferred to the Garabatdag exploration
April 12 to 19:00 on April 13," the company 11, up by 48% from 375,195 bpd recorded well in the south-eastern part of the
said on its Facebook page. on April 4, when the field’s output fell to the agreement area.
It noted that during this stoppage, the lowest level since the CPC pipeline outage According to BP-Azerbaijan, the second
supply of gas to consumers of the republic at end-March, according to the sources and exploration well (BHEX01) drilled earlier
would be carried out without restrictions Reuters calculations. The output level was under the Absheron Peninsula Shallow
due to natural gas stored at the Abovyan still below the March average of 622,209 Water (SHWP) project has been closed. The
underground gas storage station. bpd. well was drilled to a total depth of 4,230
The only supplier of natural gas to Kazakh oil output has been declining metres in the western part of the ESIA
Armenia is Russian energy holding since end-March. Over 80% of Kazakhstan's contract area and was safely closed in mid-
Gazprom. It comes to Armenia in transit crude is exported via the CPC pipeline to March. Economically viable hydrocarbon
through the territory of Georgia. the port of Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka, near reserves have been discovered in the well.
Novorossiisk, supplying around 1.2% of The Garabatdag Geological Exploration
global oil demand. Well (QBDX01) is the third of the
SOCAR reveals volume of exploration wells to be drilled in the AYDH
field and is the last phase of the activities
fuel provided for Ukraine Caspian Connector project planned for the AYDH during the main
exploration period.
SOCAR Energy Ukraine (Ukrainian proposed as alternative to Drilling operations on this well began
subsidiary of SOCAR) reports that they on April 3, 2022, and the well is expected to
have provided more than 100 tonnes of Trans Caspian Pipeline from reach a total depth in about three months.
fuel to ambulances and vehicles of the After that, if it is necessary to dig an
State Emergency Service of Ukraine free of Turkmenistan assessment side pipe to collect additional
charge since February 26. information about the collector, drilling can
“We are proud of every doctor, rescuer, Trans Caspian Resources, an American firm continue for another month.
firefighter, volunteer who now provides dedicated to delivering natural gas from Exploration well QBDX01 is drilled at a
round-the-clock assistance anywhere in Turkmenistan's offshore gas fields in the depth of about 6 metres, about 7km from
Ukraine. Thanks to our colleagues at the Caspian Sea to external markets, is lobbying the shore. The total depth of the main well
filling stations for their work and courage,” for its “Caspian Connector” project, is expected to reach 2,155 metres. BP is
the company said in a statement. Pipeline Technology Journal reported, citing the operator of the project and has a 25%
Azerbaijani President Aliyev promised Allan Mustard, a retired ambassador and stake in the exploration, development and
Zelenskiy to assist Ukraine with oil co-manager of Trans Caspian Resources. production-sharing agreement. Other
products on February 26 during a telephone The Caspian Connector is a less partners are SOCAR 50% and LUKOIL
conversation. SOCAR later instructed ambitious project than the Trans-Caspian 25%.
SOCAR Ukraine gas stations to supply Pipeline, which envisages linking the
Week 15 15•April•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P17