Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
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NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  in the Russian Arctic – the largest deposit in the
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  Vostok Oil megaproject. Development drilling
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  is taking place at five well pads at the field, and
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  will be completed using Russian-made rigs,
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  Rosneft said.
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link
                         for each section the full text will be available as  GLNG:  Cheniere  signs  LNG  supply  deal
                         before.                              with Thailand’s PTT
                                                              US LNG producer Cheniere Energy announced
                         AfrOil:  Eni, Sonatrach  strike oil  in  North  this week that it had struck a deal to supply
                         Berkine basin                        the super-chilled fuel to a unit of Thailand’s
                         Italy’s Eni and its partner Sonatrach, the national  PTT. Under the sale and purchase agreement,
                         oil company of Algeria, have made a new hydro-  Cheniere’s Corpus Christi Liquefaction subsid-
                         carbon discovery in Rhourde Oulad Djemaa  iary has agreed to supply 1mn tonnes per year
                         Ouest-1 (RODW-1), an exploration well drilled  of LNG to PTT Global LNG (PTTGL) over a
                         within the research perimeter of Sif Fatima II,  20-year period starting in 2026.
                         a concession in the Berkine North basin. Eni
                         announced the discovery in a statement on July  LatAmOil:  ExxonMobil  makes  two  new
                         25, noting that the partners had encountered  finds at Stabroek
                         both crude oil and associated gas in the Triassic  US-based ExxonMobil has made two finds at the
                         sandstones of the Tagi reservoir.    Stabroek block offshore Guyana, bringing the
                                                              total number of discoveries made at the licence
                         AsianOil: CNOOC reports commercial flows  area this year up to seven. The super-major
                         from offshore shale well             reported on July 26 that it had found hydrocar-
                         China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC)  bons in the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 explora-
                         has achieved commercial flows of oil and gas  tion wells.
                         from an offshore shale well in the South China
                         Sea. This marks the first successful offshore shale  MEOG: IDC maintains momentum
                         well for China.                      In last week’s MEOG we covered the latest pro-
                                                              gress update from Iraq’s state drilling firm. Iraqi
                         DMEA: Reality check for Port Harcourt  Drilling Co. (IDC) announced that it has com-
                         A senior official at Nigeria’s biggest existing  pleted the first well of a 20-well drilling cam-
                         refinery last week cast doubt on recent specula-  paign at the Nasiriyah oilfield in the southern
                         tion the facility could resume operations by the  Dhi Qar Governorate. IDC’s director-general
                         end of the year. The managing director of Nige-  Basem Abdul Karim said that the company’s
                         ria’s Port Harcourt Refining Complex (PHRC)  technical and engineering staff had completed
                         has said that the refinery will resume operations  well 48 in collaboration with US services firm
                         next year, conflicting with a more optimistic out-  Weatherford on behalf of the Dhi Qar Oil Co.
                         look provided by the country’s oil minister.  (DQOC), a subsidiary of the Iraqi National Oil
                                                              Co. (INOC).
                         EurOil: Shell FIDs Jackdaw
                         Shell has taken a final investment decision on  NorthAmOil: Keystone back online
                         developing the Jackdaw gas field in the UK  While the proposal of a major new bill grabbed
                         North Sea, having overcome previous envi-  headlines last week, NorthAmOil also covered the
                         ronmental opposition to the project. Jackdaw,  resumption of operations at a major cross-border
                         situated some 250 km east of Aberdeen, will  pipeline after almost a week of shutdown. The
                         comprise a normally unmanned wellhead plat-  Keystone pipeline, which carries crude from Can-
                         form along with subsea infrastructure tied back  ada’s oil sands to the US, resumed normal service
                         to Shell’s existing Shearwater gas hub.  on July 23 following a reduction in capacity that
                                                              had resulted from damage to a third-party electric
                         FSUOGM: Rosneft starts drilling at Vostok  substation.
                         Russia’s state oil company Rosneft has kicked off   See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         production drilling at the Payakhskoye oilfield  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   04•August•2022
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