Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
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NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Equinor continuing Flemish Pass exploration

        NEWFOUNDLAND     NORWAY’S Equinor is continuing exploration  J-31 being drilled in mid-May. EL 1156 also
        AND LABRADOR     work off Canada’s Newfoundland and Labrador,  includes the Cappahayden discovery
                         having recently completed an appraisal well in   In June, the Canada-Newfoundland and Lab-
                         the area.                            rador Offshore Petroleum Board (CNLOPB)
                           A report by Upstream Online said that the  released its latest report on the offshore Hibernia
                         company has spudded and re-entered an explo-  field’s estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), sug-
                         ration well at the Sitka prospect, east of its Cam-  gesting that it could contain nearly 346mn bar-
                         briol East discovery, both in exploration licence  rels more than previously thought. Equinor is a
                         (EL) 1156. The Sitka O-02 well was re-entered on  minority shareholder (5%) in the field alongside   The exploration
                         July 26 using Seadrill’s West Hercules semi-sub-  ExxonMobil (33.125%), Chevron (26.825%),
                         mersible, which two days earlier had abandoned  Suncor Energy (20%), Canada Hibernia Holding   effort is aimed
                         the Cambriol J-31A delineation well 25 km to the  Corp. (CHHC, 8.5%) and Murphy Oil (6.5%).
                         west. Sitka O-02 was originally drilled in 2020.  The field is located on the north-eastern   at adding to
                           The exploration effort is aimed at adding to  Grand Banks, around 315 km from St. John’s,
                         resources that can be tied-back as part of the  Newfoundland, in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin.  resources that
                         broader Bay du Nord project, which will be   The report said that proven and probable   can be tied-back
                         developed using a floating production, storage  (2P) reserves amount to 1.812bn barrels, 168mn
                         and offshore offloading (FPSO) unit.  more than the 1.644bn barrels estimated in 2014.   as part of the
                           Discoveries at Bay du Nord, Bay de Verde,  It added that EUR could be further expanded by
                         Baccalieu, Cappahayden, Harpoon and poten-  178mn barrels to almost 2bn barrels (3P) when  broader Bay du
                         tially Cambriol East and Sitka are all seen being  including possible reserves, noting that the latest
                         tied back to the FPSO, which is expected to have  figure includes the 1.22bn barrels produced from   Nord project.
                         a capacity of 200,000 barrels per day (bpd).  the field as of April 30 this year, while the field
                           The Norwegian firm, which holds 60% in  also contains contingent gas resources in excess
                         EL 1156, and its UK-based partner BP (40%)  of 2.5 trillion cubic feet (71bn cubic metres) and
                         continue working towards taking a final invest-  53mn barrels of NGLs.
                         ment decision (FID) on the project, with first oil   The Hibernia data also includes reserves
                         expected to be produced towards the end of the  assigned to the Ben Nevis – Avalon and Catalina
                         decade.                              reservoirs, which have combined 3P reserves of
                           J-31A was the second attempt to drill an  550mn barrels, of which 136.8mn barrels have
                         appraisal well to the west of Cambriol East, with  been produced.™

       Week 31   04•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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