Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Strathcona to acquire Serafina

       in its largest deal yet

       Privately owned Strathcona Resources is reportedly acquiring Serafina Energy

       for $1.8bn, which would represent its largest deal to date

        WESTERN          CANADA’S  privately owned Strathcona  solid despite the acquisition being entirely debt
        CANADA           Resources is acquiring Serafina Energy for  funded because Strathcona will use free cash
                         CAD2.3bn ($1.8bn), according to multiple  flow to reduce debt.”
       WHAT:             reports. The companies have not yet issued offi-
       Strathcona Resources is   cial announcements, but the acquisition was  Acquisition spree
       acquiring Serafina Energy   reported by sources with knowledge of the mat-  The acquisition is reported to be the biggest yet
       for $1.8bn, according to   ter that were cited by outlets including Reuters  by Strathcona, which has been on a buying spree
       multiple reports.  and Bloomberg.                      since its formation in 2020. Indeed, the com-
                           Additionally, the transaction was mentioned  pany is reported to have been among the top
       WHY:              by credit rating agency Moody’s, which said  buyers of oil and gas assets in Canada, and has
       Like other oil and gas   Strathcona and Serafina had entered into a deal  most recently been hoping to profit from higher
       players, Strathcona wants   on July 27.                crude prices in the wake of Russia’s invasion of
       to benefit from higher oil   According to Moody’s Strathcona had agreed  Ukraine.
       prices.           to acquire all of the outstanding shares of pri-  Strathcona, which is owned by owned by
                         vate-equity-backed Serafina using cash. A pay-  Waterous Energy Fund, said in March that it
       WHAT NEXT:        ment of CAD1.9bn ($1.5bn) is due to be made  had agreed to buy Caltex Resources. This came
       Many companies remain   upon closing of the transaction on August  after it had agreed to acquire Alberta’s Tucker
       focused on shareholder   29. Four deferred payments of CAD100mn  thermal oilfield assets in January.
       returns for now instead   ($77mn) each will also be due at the end of Sep-  The company had previously said its
       of directing cash   tember, October, November and December.  strategy was to buy assets that would give
       flow towards raising   “The affirmation and maintenance of the  it options to add output organically. In this
       production.       positive outlook reflects Strathcona’s sizable  instance, its acquisition of Serafina comes
                         production and reserve base pro forma for the  with 40,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         complimentary Serafina acquisition,” a Moody’s  (boepd) of thermal heavy oil output in the
                         analyst, Paresh Chari, stated. “The affirmation  Lloydminster region of Saskatchewan. Sera-
                         also reflects that financial leverage will remain  fina had commanded a “strong price” for the

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   04•August•2022
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