Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                     INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  At 147,000 boepd,
                                                                                                  Occidental’s Gulf
                                                                                                  of Mexico output
                                                                                                  exceeded the high end
                                                                                                  of guidance.

       Occidental to share the wealth

       rather than hike output

        US               US major Occidental Petroleum posted results  quarter to $3.2bn in the second.
                         this week showing that it closed out the first half   A press release to accompany the results pro-
                         of the year with continued strong performance.  vided more detail, showing that pre-tax income
                         However, it intends to use the proceeds to pay off   for oil and gas operations rose from $2.9bn
                         debt and increase cash distribution to sharehold-  during the first quarter to $4.1bn in the second
                         ers rather than upstream expansion, according  quarter “due to higher crude oil and domestic
                         to Occidental’s CEO, Vicki Hollub.   natural gas prices and higher crude oil and NGL
                           Meanwhile, it achieved first oil at its Horn  volumes, partially offset by higher lease operat-
                         Mountain West oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico,  ing expenses.”
                         which was tied back to the Horn Mountain spar   The company’s total average second-quarter
                         via a 3.5-mile (5.6-km) dual flow line. Hollub  production was “within the mid-point of guid-
                         said during an earnings call: “The project came  ance” at 1.147mn barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         in on budget and three months ahead of sched-  (boepd). Of this, Occidental’s “Permian, Rock-
                         ule,” adding that Horn Mountain West should  ies and International [assets] came within guid-
                         eventually add around 30,000 barrels per day  ance, with average production of 493,000 boepd,
                         (bpd) of oil production.             279,000 boepd and 228,000 boepd respectively.”
                           Hollub said: “We don’t feel the need to grow  At 147,000 boepd, its Gulf of Mexico output
                         production until we get beyond that point.  exceeded the high end of guidance.
                         Because we feel like one of the best values right   Following issues with third-party processing
                         now is investment in our own stock.”  facilities and the transfer of assets to Colombia’s
                           Occidental posted a net income attrib-  Ecopetrol, Permian guidance for the year has
                         utable to common stockholders of $3.6bn,  been reduced from 532,000 boepd to 521,000
                         down from $4.7bn in the first quarter. How-  boepd. However, full-year guidance for total
                         ever, adjusted net income attributable to  company production was kept at just over 1.5mn
                         common stockholders went in the opposite  boepd as expanded output from the Rockies and
                         direction, growing from $2.12bn in the first  the Gulf offset the Permian drop.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   04•August•2022
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