Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         assets, justified by their long life and good fit  both the US and Canadian industries over the
                         geographically for Strathcona, Sayer Energy  past two years has slowed down, but opportu-
                         Advisors, president, Tom Pavic, was cited by  nities remain. Other major deals announced
                         Reuters as saying.                   recently include Whitecap Resources’ acqui-
                           According to energy data analytics firm  sition of Montney and Duvernay assets from
                         Enverus, Serafina’s output had been growing  ExxonMobil and Imperial Oil for CAD1.9bn
                         steadily since it first began production in 2016.  ($1.5bn). Canada’s upstream industry overall
                         Enverus Foundations data show that the compa-  represents a buyers’ market, according to Pavic,
                         ny’s production rose from 16,344 barrels per day  as small producers struggle to access capital in
                         (bpd) of oil in 2019 to 24,812 bpd in 2021. By  order to make acquisitions. Strathcona has not
                         January 2022, Serafina’s output had hit 27,249  had this issue, however.
                         bpd.                                  Moody’s said it had affirmed Strathcona’s
                           It was previously reported in March that Ser-  credit ratings and positive outlook, citing the
                         afina’s owners, private equity firms Pine Brook  company’s large production and reserve base.
                         Partners and Camcor Partners, were gaug-  It said Strathcona would fund the deal through
                         ing interest in a potential sale of the company.  borrowings on its revolving credit facility, not-
                         Waterous was reported at the time to be eval-  ing that its liquidity was “significantly dimin-
                         uating a bid for Serafina via Strathcona, which  ished” by the acquisition, but was nonetheless   The wave of
                         was seen as a potential fit given the company’s  “adequate”.
                         own assets in the Lloydminster play. However,   The company, whose other areas of focus   oil and gas
                         Waterous and Strathcona declined to confirm  aside from Lloyminster include the Montney   consolidation
                         their interest at the time. Waterous’ CEO, Adam  play in Alberta and British Columbia and the
                         Waterous, was reported to have commented at  Cold Lake oil sands, currently produces around   that hit both the
                         the time that if a sale did take place, it was likely  110,000-115,000 boepd, mainly comprised of
                         to be months away, rather than weeks.  liquids.                           US and Canadian
                           At the time when a possible sale of Serafina   While oil prices have weakened somewhat
                         was first reported, there was speculation that the  since March, oil and gas companies continue   industries
                         company could fetch over CAD1bn ($773mn)  to generate higher levels of cash flow than they   over the past
                         if sold at the commodity prices then being seen.  had been doing previously. However, instead
                         In mid-March, when the story emerged, West  of spending more on additional production,   two years has
                         Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices were hovering  many producers continue to favour prioritising
                         above $100 per barrel. The benchmark tumbled  shareholder returns via dividend increases and   slowed down,
                         this week, sinking below $90 per barrel, but if  share buybacks. Against this backdrop, further
                         the details of the acquisition are confirmed, then  acquisitions remain an attractive option for   but opportunities
                         Serafina appears to have secured a better deal  expanding output and building scale, for those   remain.
                         than had initially been expected.    companies that can afford it. There may there-
                                                              fore be additional scope yet for new consolida-
                         What next?                           tion, both in Canada and across North America
                         The wave of oil and gas consolidation that hit  more broadly.™

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