Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            and also for driving strong operating and   “This partnership is a milestone for the
                                           safety performance. With enhanced scale   Woodfibre LNG project,” said Ratnesh Bedi,
       Chord Energy announces              and a low cost of supply, Chord Energy is   president of Pacific Energy,” “and it further
                                                                                accelerates Canada’s ability to be a meaningful
                                           well positioned to deliver strong value to our
       updated return of capital           shareholders while operating in a sustainable   player in the global energy transition with the
                                                                                production of the world’s lowest carbon LNG.”
                                           manner and remains a compelling investment
       plan, including increasing          opportunity.”                        American energy company with substantial
                                                                                  “Enbridge is an accomplished North
                                           CHORD ENERGY, August 03, 2022
       base dividend by 114%,                                                   natural gas operations in B.C. and Woodfibre
                                                                                LNG is pleased that the companies have
       issues an updated outlook           DOWNSTREAM                           entered into this investment agreement,” said
                                                                                Christine Kennedy, President of Woodfibre
       and reports second-quarter  Pacific Energy and Enbridge                  LNG. “We believe this agreement speaks
                                                                                to the credentials of the project, from our
       2022 earnings                       announce partnership in              world-leading Indigenous partnerships to the
                                                                                incredible environmental due diligence, and
       Chord Energy today announced its updated   Woodfibre LNG                 the ambition of Woodfibre LNG to produce
       return of capital plan, provided an updated                              the lowest-emissions LNG in the world.”
       outlook for the business and reported   Pacific Energy and Enbridge today announced   PACIFIC ENERGY AND ENBRIDGE, July 29,
       financial and operating results for the   an agreement to jointly invest in the   2022
       quarter ending June 30, 2022. The company   construction and operation of the Woodfibre
       completed the merger of equals transaction   LNG project.
       between Oasis Petroleum and Whiting   Woodfibre LNG is a 2.1mn-tonne-per-year  SERVICES
       Petroleum on July 1, 2022 and began trading   liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility
       under the ticker “CHRD” on July 5, 2022.  with 250,000 cubic metres of floating storage   Stampede Drilling
         “The second quarter was marked by strong   capacity being built near Squamish, BC. The
       operating performance and culminated in   project is underpinned by two long-term   announces acquisition
       the establishment of Chord Energy,” said   offtake agreements with BP Gas Marketing
       Danny Brown, Chord Energy’s president   Limited for 15 years representing 70% of   of drilling rigs and
       and chief executive officer. “Additionally,   the capacity, with additional commitments
       we are announcing a new return of capital   in development for up to 90%. Woodfibre   related assets and
       programme which includes an approximate   LNG announced in April that it had issued
       114% increase to the base dividend and a   notice to proceed to global engineering   a CAD22,500,160-
       $300mn share repurchase program. Given our   and construction company McDermott
       high-quality assets with low breakeven pricing   International and that the project is expected   25,000,000mn equity
       and very strong financial position, Chord   to be in service in 2027.
       Energy is able to return significant amounts   Woodfibre LNG will use electric motor   financing
       of capital to shareholders. The new return of   drives powered by renewable hydroelectric
       capital program is highly competitive and   power, making this one of the lowest-emission   Stampede Drilling is pleased to announce
       represents our commitment to operating   LNG export facilities in the world. The project   it has entered into a purchase and sale
       efficiently, maximizing returns and valuing   is the only one in Canada with a non-treaty   agreement to acquire six drilling rigs and
       the return of capital to shareholders.”  Indigenous-issued environmental assessment   related assets from a private company for
         “Chord Energy is making significant   certificate, the first project approved under the   total cash consideration of approximately
       progress on integration and remains   Government of Canada’s “Five Principles” for   CAD21.5mn. The purchase price will be
       excited about its future. I’d like to thank   environmental assessment, and has received   funded by proceeds from a concurrent short
       our employees for their hard work and   all major federal, provincial and First Nations   form prospectus offering of common shares
       dedication through the closing of the merger   approvals.                at a price of $0.32 per offered share for
                                                                                minimum gross proceeds of CAD22.5mn and
                                                                                maximum gross proceeds of CAD25mn. The
                                                                                acquisition and the offering are expected to
                                                                                close on August 23, 2022, or such other date
                                                                                as may be agreed upon between the parties as
                                                                                described herein.
                                                                                  “The acquisition will add six high quality
                                                                                drilling rigs that are well suited to work in
                                                                                several of the most active oil and gas plays
                                                                                in western Canada, furthering our goal to
                                                                                provide the safest and most efficient drilling
                                                                                services provider in Canada” stated Lyle
                                                                                Whitmarsh, president and chief executive
                                                                                officer of Stampede.
                                                                                STAMPEDE DRILLING, August 03, 2022

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