Page 5 - MEOG Week 12 2021
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                                                                                                  Saudi Aramco’s Manifa

                                                                                                  Source: Bloomberg

                         liquids and 191.6 trillion cubic feet (5.43 trillion  stewardship, reliability and the “agility” deployed
                         cubic metres) of natural gas.        to navigate such challenging times.
                           Meanwhile, engineering design and procure-  Indeed, speaking of the importance of the
                         ment began belatedly at the Berri and Marjan,  company’s approach to environmental, social
                         with the projects anticipated increasing pro-  and governance (ESG) issues, Nasser said that
                         duction capacity by 250,000 bpd and 300,000  “environmental stewardship was an integral part
                         bpd, respectively by 2025. Progress was also  of [Aramco’s] approach to business […] long
                         announced on the ‘Ain Dar and Fazran incre-  before the term ESG was first used.”
                         ment projects ahead of operations beginning   However, the challenge of reliably quanti-
                         later this year to add another 175,000 bpd to  fying the environmental impact of oil and gas
                         production capacity.                 operations was neatly, if unfortunately, illus-
                           Work also began on the first phase of the  trated by the fact that the company’s upstream
                         Dammam development project which will add  carbon intensity increased year-over-year to
                         another 25,000 bpd of capacity in 2024 and  10.5kg of CO2e equivalent for each barrel of oil
                         50,000 bpd in 2026.                  equivalent produced (kg CO2e/boe). However,
                           However, total hydrocarbon production  Nasser said that the absolute volume of CO2
                         fell from 13.2mn barrels of oil equivalent per  produced was lower and the company still has
                         day (boepd) in 2019 to 12.4mn boepd in 2020,  “one of the lowest upstream carbon intensities
                         with crude oil accounting for the majority of the  in the world”.
                         reduction as it dropped by 700,000 bpd to 9.2mn
                         bpd. Meanwhile, the impact of lower produc-  Downstream
                         tion was compounded by a $26 per barrel drop  Meanwhile, the company has another three years
                         in realised oil prices, which averaged $40.6 per  to complete the spin-off of its downstream activ-
                         barrel in 2020.                      ities into a wholly-owned subsidiary otherwise
                                                              it will be liable for five years of retroactive taxes
                         Uptick                               relating to its downstream operations charged at
                         While there remains uncertainty about market  an additional 30-65% to the 20% it has already
                         recovery as the pandemic shows signs of another  paid.
                         wave of cases in Europe, Aramco has provided   With the downstream continuing to be a
                         capex guidance for 2021 representing an $8bn  loss-making venture for Aramco – $3.5bn in
                         increase on 2020. This is $5-10bn less than previ-  2020 – the company hopes that the spin-off will
                         ous guidance, but is indicative of the company’s  make its upstream business a more nimble and
                         optimism and intention to resume work to ramp  attractive investment proposition.
                         up MSC.                                The integration of SABIC, for which Aramco
                           Meanwhile, its healthy bank balance provides  paid $69bn for a 70% stake in 2020, is ongoing
                         some wiggle room relating to the payment of div-  and its eventual completion will turn the com-
                         idends, which the company remains committed  pany into a world-scale player in the chemicals
                         to. Aware of the conclusions the market will draw  industry, offering significant economies of scale
                         from their words, President and CEO Amin  as well as expanding guaranteed demand for
                         Nasser and CFO Khalid al-Dabbagh maintained  crude feedstock.
                         an upbeat and even jovial tone during the earn-  Overall, despite the eye-watering drop in
                         ings call. It is indeed noteworthy that despite the  profits and the increasing role of debt, the results
                         increasing number of attacks targeting Aramco  can be seen as a success. While it makes regular
                         infrastructure in recent months, little mention  reference to its people, Aramco’s key strength
                         was made of these events.            is the scale of its operations, and in 2020, the
                           Rather, the focus of the call and the sub-  company leveraged these to the best of its ability.
                         sequent annual report was on environmental  After all, a profit of $49bn isn’t bad.™

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