Page 10 - MEOG Week 12 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                              POLICY                                               MEOG

       EU freezes TPAO blacklist plans

       after Ankara changes tack

        TURKEY           THE European Union has reportedly frozen  and travel bans over Turkey’s “unauthorised
                         plans to blacklist more senior executives at  drilling activities” for natural gas in disputed
                         Turkey’s state-owned Turkish Petroleum Corp.  waters in the eastern Mediterranean, although
                         (TPAO).                              they did not specify individuals. The EU also
                           Reuters on March 18 reported four unnamed  agreed to weigh tougher economic sanctions at
                         diplomats as describing the situation. It said it  a summit on March 25-26, after a year that saw
                         was the clearest sign yet that a diplomatic offen-  Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan expressing
                         sive by Ankara this year was bearing fruit. The  publicly his hope that protests in France would
                         early months of this year has seen the Erdogan  topple President Emmanuel Macron.
                         administration attempting to build bridges with   But a more constructive tone from Erdogan
                         a number of countries with which it spent last  this year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
                         year in wars of words.               support for a more conciliatory approach and
                           Also on March 18, Human Rights Watch  the first direct talks between old foes Turkey and
                         (HRW) issued an open letter to EU High Rep-  Greece in five years have all helped to change the
                         resentative for Foreign Affairs and Security Pol-  mood, according to Reuters.
                         icy Josep Borrell saying: “We are concerned that   The new administration of US President Joe
                         over the past year, the human rights situation in  Biden has also urged Brussels not to impose
                         Turkey appeared to be largely absent from both  sanctions at a time when Turkey, a Nato ally and
                         European Council discussions on EU-Turkey  EU candidate country, appears more willing to
                         relations and high-level EU meetings with the  compromise, European and US diplomats said,
                         Turkish authorities. Instead, these discussions  the news agency reported.
                         focused primarily on the situation in the eastern   “Work has stopped on additional blacklist-
                         Mediterranean and cooperation with the Turk-  ings of Turkish individuals, and we are not talk-
                         ish authorities in the field of migration.”  ing of economic sanctions anymore,” one EU
                           EU leaders in December tabled asset freezes  diplomat said.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Gulf Keystone resumes growth efforts

        KURDISTAN        LONDON-LISTED Gulf Keystone Petroleum  from the same pad, and installing electric sub-
                         (GKP) this week announced that it was resum-  mersible pumps in two existing wells”, according
                         ing efforts to increase oil production from the  to GKP.
                         Shaikan oilfield in the Kurdistan Region of   GKP’s remaining anticipated net capital
                         northern Iraq.                       expenditure required to reach 55,000 bpd is esti-
                           GKP, which holds an 80% working interest in  mated at $40mn-$45mn.
                         the Shaikan production-sharing contract (PSC),   The field has proven plus probable reserves of
                         and its partner Kalegran, a subsidiary of Hun-  505mn stock tank barrels as well as 2C resources
                         gary’s MOL (20%), said it had resumed work  of 293mn stb, though the reservoir is highly
                         towards achieving gross production from the  fractured, which has led to complications devel-
                         55,000 barrels per day (bpd) asset by Q1 2022.   oping the field and slowed production rates
                           The target had previously been set for Q3  considerably.
                         last year, but this date was missed due to diffi-  Despite the challenges of 2020, production
                         culties relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19)  from Shaikan expanded by 25% during the first
                         pandemic.                            eight months of the year compared to 2019.
                           CEO Jon Harris said: “Workstreams have   Before being replaced by Harris on January
                         already begun, and we are targeting to restart the  18, then CEO Jon Ferrier said: “Planned debot-
                         drilling of SH-13 in Q3 2021, subject to manag-  tlenecking works have increased PF-1 produc-
                         ing the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the  tion capacity to more than 30,000 bpd.” Output
                         movement of people, services and equipment.”  averaged 36,600 bpd during full-year 2020, with
                           SH-13 was suspended last year. The remain-  December setting a monthly production record
                         ing elements of the expansion programme com-  of 43,300 bpd. In January, output increased to
                         prise the completion of this well as well as the  44,405 bpd, with full-year guidance for 2021
                         drilling of SH-I, “the final well in the programme  40,000-44,000 bpd.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   24•March•2021
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