Page 12 - MEOG Week 12 2021
P. 12
Mubadala and Snam to join
forces in hydrogen effort
UAE THE UAE’s Mubadala Investment Co. signed a hydrogen economy for the UAE, and we are
a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with committed to advancing the role hydrogen will
Italian infrastructure specialist Snam for the pair play to meet future energy demand globally.”
to collaborate on investment in and the devel- Meanwhile, Snam CEO Marco Alvera spoke
opment of hydrogen projects in the UAE and of its intention to increase the competitiveness
around the world. of hydrogen, noting the opportunity to increase
According to Snam, the deal covers assess- its footprint in the Gulf which is considers “stra-
ments including “technical and economic fea- tegic because of [its] crucial role in the energy
sibility studies to explore potential projects transition.”
and solutions to foster and promote hydrogen Snam was the first European company to test
development”. the use of blended hydrogen and natural gas in
The move follows the signing of an MoU in its network and has set up a new business unit
January between Mubadala, Abu Dhabi National dedicated to new technologies.
Oil Co. (ADNOC) and holding company ADQ At present, ADNOC produces around
to establish the Abu Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance 300,000 tonnes per year of hydrogen, and has
(ADHA). a stated intention to “place special emphasis on
The formation of ADHA seeks to fulfil blue hydrogen as a major natural gas producer
plans first noted in November by Abu Dhabi and look to expand its total hydrogen capacity to
Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, more than 500,000 tpy”.
vice-chairman of the former Supreme Petroleum Meanwhile, Mubadala is expected to leverage
Council (SPC) when he instructed ADNOC to Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co. (Masdar) “and its
“explore potential opportunities in hydrogen extensive network of international technology
with the ambition to position the UAE as a and investment partners and other relationships”.
hydrogen leader”. Separately, Masdar has come to terms with
According to a joint statement: “The Alliance Siemens Energy to develop a facility at Masdar
partners will collaborate to establish Abu Dhabi City to produce green hydrogen. The German
as a trusted leader of low-carbon green and blue company is currently involved a green hydro-
hydrogen in emerging international markets. gen mobility project alongside Dubai Electric-
They will also work together to build a substan- ity and Water Authority (DEWA) for display at
tial green hydrogen economy in the UAE.” the delayed Expo 2020 which will power fuel
Of the deal with Snam, Mubadala’s CEO of cell vehicles with hydrogen generated through
UAE Investments, Musabbeh Al Kaabi, said it electrolysis from the Mohammed bin Rashid Al
was “an extension of our joint efforts to develop Maktoum Solar Park.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 12 24•March•2021