Page 14 - MEOG Week 12 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              focuses more on power generation, people   Saudis lead airstrike on
                                           familiar with the matter said.
       Bill to abolish oil deal in         speaking with potential advisers as it reviews   Yemen’s capital after
                                             The company, also known as Taqa, is
       Jordan returned to energy           a business that spans countries including the   Aramco attack
                                           U.K. and Canada, the people said, asking
       committee                           not to be identified as the matter is private.   Saudi-led coalition warplanes pounded
                                                                                Yemeni rebels’ military bases in retaliation
                                           Taqa’s oil and gas portfolio could be worth
       The Lower House on Sunday returned   substantially less than the billions of dollars it   for a weekend attack on the heart of the
       the bill to abolish a joint agreement for oil   spent to build it, the people said.  kingdom’s economy.
       exploration, evaluation, and production   No final decisions have been made and   The raids on the Yemeni capital, Sana’a,
       between the Natural Resources Authority   it may decide not to proceed with a sale, the   targeted military camps, as well as Houthi
       (NRA) and Canada’s Ammonite Energy   people said. Taqa didn’t immediately respond   rebel facilities near the city’s airport and in its
       International Inc. in Jafer and central Jordan   to a request for comment.  suburbs, residents and rebel-run Al-Masirah
       to the House’s energy committee for further   Taqa has a monopoly on power and   TV said. A separate strike hit a rebel target in
       verification and examination.       water distribution in Abu Dhabi, capital of   the port province of Hodeidah.
         In a Lower House session, Minister of   the oil-rich United Arab Emirates. The city’s   The Iran-backed Houthis attacked a Saudi
       Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zawati   government aims to create a regional utility   Aramco oil refinery in Riyadh on Friday with
       explained that the Canadian company showed   champion out of the company. Last year, Abu   six bomb-laden drones. The assault caused a
       interest in 2010 in oil exploration in Jafer   Dhabi orchestrated a plan for Taqa to receive   fire that was later controlled with no impact
       region and central Jordan by conducting   assets from government-owned holding   on oil supplies or derivatives, state-run media
       geographic and seismic studies.     company Abu Dhabi Power Corp., known   said. No casualties were reported.
         In 2012, the Cabinet approved the   as ADPower, in return for shares. The deal   The escalation is liable to hinder U.S. efforts
       agreement and referred it to parliament,   pushed Taqa’s valuation to more than $40   to end the seven-year war in Yemen, which
       which approved the agreement in 2015, at   billion and made it one of the largest listed   has created the world’s worst humanitarian
       a time when the company lost interest and   companies in the UAE.        crisis, with widespread famine and disease.
       failed to fulfil its obligations to set a JD1   The firm’s oil and gas business has   The conflict is also being complicated by U.S.
       million guarantee, breaching the terms of the   struggled because of last year’s coronavirus-  President Joe Biden’s standoff with Iran over
       agreement, the Jordan News Agency, Petra,   triggered slump in commodity prices. In 2020,  how to resurrect a 2015 accord designed to
       reported.                           it made revenue of 4.2 billion dirhams ($1.1   curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
       JORDAN TIMES                        billion), a 31% drop from the previous year.   The Saudi-led coalition joined the conflict
                                           Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and   in neighboring Yemen in 2015 to try to restore
                                           amortization fell 71% to 700 million dirhams.  its internationally recognized government.
       COMPANIES                             Taqa built its oil and gas unit mostly   The Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia rarely
                                           through acquisitions. It bought Calgary-based   claim lives or cause extensive damage but their
       Taqa to weigh sale of oil           Northrock Resources for $2 billion in 2007   frequency has increased in recent months,
                                           and acquired BP Plc’s North Sea assets for
                                                                                creating unease in the Gulf, a region key to
       and gas assets                      $1.1 billion in 2012. In the U.K., the company   global oil production and transit. Several
                                           also operates the Brent System pipeline, which
                                                                                attacks on the Saudi capital, Riyadh, have been
       Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. is considering  carries about 5% of the country’s oil.  intercepted, Saudi authorities have said.
       options for its oil and gas assets, including   BLOOMBERG                BLOOMBERG
       a potential sale, as the state-owned utility

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