Page 11 - DMEA Week 44 2022
P. 11

DMEA                                      REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                         Buhari expressed satisfaction at the signing of   currently engaged in the execution of the NLNG
                         the LoI, noting that the new project would allow   [Nigeria LNG] Train 7 project and also con-
                         the South Korean company to expand its oper-  structing sea-going LPG vessels for [NNPCL]
                         ations in Nigeria.                   and her partners ... This no doubt will open
                           “Daewoo Group has massive investments in   many more windows of opportunities for Dae-
                         the automobile, maritime and other sectors of   woo and other Korean companies in Nigeria. I
                         our economy. I am also aware that Daewoo is   thank you for your faith in Nigeria,” he said. ™

       Edo state’s governor urges local

       processing of crude oil, natural gas

             AFRICA      GODWIN Obaseki, the governor of Edo in   metre) gas-processing plant, a 10mn cubic foot
                         southern Nigeria, said on November 1 that his   (283,200 cubic metre) CNG plant, a 50-MW
                         administration aimed to encourage crude oil   thermal power plant (TPP) and a data centre.
                         and natural gas producers working in the state   The governor was visiting Duport Energy
                         to process their output in local facilities rather   Park during an inspection for test operations,
                         than sending them elsewhere.         This Day reported. He used the occasion to
                           Ideally, he commented, the state govern-  describe Edo State as a growing hub for the oil
                         ment would like to see 100% of the oil and gas   and gas industry.
                         extracted in Edo sent to local oil refineries and   This Day explained his remark by noting that
                         gas-processing plants. He said his administra-  Edo was also home to a second modular refinery
                         tion had set this milestone as its target and noted   – a 6,000 bpd facility operated by Edo Refinery
                         that making this shift would increase the state’s   and Petrochemical Ltd. This organisation is a
                         foreign currency revenues while also diversify-  three-member consortium set up by Peiyang
                         ing its economy.                     Chemical Equipment Co. (PCC) and Sinopec
                           “Due to the benefits and advantages that we   International Petroleum Service Corp. (SIPS) of
                         have in Edo State to have onshore oil and gas   China, as well as African Infrastructure Partners
                         production, we are now attracting investors to   (AIP), a US-Nigerian firm. ™
                         utilise that production locally,” he said, accord-
                         ing to a report from This Day. “Our goal is that
                         every drop of crude oil and gas produced in
                         Edo State is used here for national development
                         rather than exporting it.”
                           Obaseki was speaking during a visit to
                         Duport Energy Park, a facility built in Egbokor,
                         a village within the Orhionmwon local gov-
                         ernment area (LGA) of Edo. The energy park
                         was built by Duport Midstream, a Nigerian
                         company. It includes a 10,000 barrel per day
                         (bpd) modular oil refinery owned by Nigeria’s
                         Atlantic International Refinery and Petrochem-
                         ical, as well as a 60mn cubic foot (1.7mn cubic   Duport Energy Park is home to a 10,000-bpd refinery (Photo: Duport Midstream)

       Eni, ExxonMobil confirm that Coral Sul FLNG

       is turning out LNG offshore Mozambique

            AFRICA       TWO members of the Coral South LNG con-  is also on track to load its first export cargo soon.
                         sortium have confirmed that the Coral Sul float-  A representative of Eni (Italy), the operator of
                         ing LNG (FLNG) vessel is processing natural gas   the group, told Energy Voice on October 28 that
                         from the Coral field offshore Mozambique and   LNG production was already underway.

       Week 44   03•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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