Page 12 - DMEA Week 44 2022
P. 12
The Coral Sul FLNG is handling output from Mozambique Rovuma Venture (MRV), a joint
the Coral field, which has been under develop- venture owned by Eni, ExxonMobil (US) and
ment since June of this year, and “first cargo is China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC);
expected shortly,” the representative said. Galp (Portugal); KOGAS (South Korea) and
He was speaking on the same day that Guido ENH, the national oil company (NOC) of
Brusco, Eni’s COO for natural resources, con- Mozambique.
firmed that the FLNG was operational. “As you The Italian major discovered the Coral field
know, we have produced the first LNG in Coral at Area 4 in 2012 and made an FID in favour of
and we are completing the ramp-up to achieve going forward with the $10bn Coral South LNG
the first cargo that is forthcoming,” Brusco told project in 2017. The FID calls for using the Coral
analysts during a conference call on his compa- Sul FLNG to liquefy 450bn cubic metres of gas
ny’s third-quarter results. from Coral.
Meanwhile, ExxonMobil (US), a non-operat- The FLNG vessel has a single production
ing member of the consortium, reported that the train and is currently anchored in 2,000-metre-
Coral Sul FLNG had started turning out LNG deep water. It has a production capacity of 3.4mn
earlier in October. These volumes will help boost tonnes per year (tpy) and is the first floating gas
the volume of gas delivered to world markets, liquefaction plant ever to be deployed at a deep-
representing “new supply amid growing global water field off the coast of Africa.
demand,” the US super-major commented on
October 28.
Neither company said exactly when Coral
South LNG was expected to finish loading and
dispatch its first export cargo. Nor did the parties
comment on recent reports that the shipment
had been delayed once again because of techni-
cal problems affecting the FLNG.
According to previous reports, the British
Sponsor, a tanker operated by BP (UK), arrived
at the Coral field around mid-October with the
expectation of loading the first LNG cargo soon.
(BP has signed an agreement that makes it the
sole off-taker of LNG from the Coral Sul FLNG
vessel on an FOB basis for a period of 20 years.)
Eni is the operator of Coral South LNG,
which has a licence for a section of a block
known as Area 4 offshore Mozambique in the
Rovuma basin.
The other shareholders in the project are The Coral Sul FLNG has started regular commercial operations (Photo: Eni)
Energy minister: Tanzania optimistic about
signing HGA for LNG project in December
AFRICA TANZANIA’S Energy Minister January have confidence we will sign it in December,”
Makamba said on October 27 that his country’s the minister was quoted as saying by Tanzania
government was still on track to sign a final host Daily News.
government agreement (HGA) with Equinor He was speaking at an event marking the
(Norway) and Shell (UK), the foreign share- publication of a study of the macroeconomic
holders in the Tanzania LNG consortium, in impact of the Tanzania LNG project by Nigeria’s
December. Stanbic IBTC Bank.
According to Makamba, negotiations on the The Tanzanian government has already
Tanzania LNG project, which will involve the signed a preliminary HGA for the project. The
development of offshore natural gas fields and partners hope to make a final investment deci-
the construction of an onshore LNG plant, are sion (FID) by 2025.
going well and making progress. The govern- Tanzania LNG is expected to carry a price tag
ment remains optimistic about the prospects of about $30bn, so it will attract no small amount
for finalising the deal before the end of 2022, he of direct investment into the host country’s
said. economy. But the project will also have extensive
“We’re getting there. We’re nearer now. We knock-on effects.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 44 03•November•2022