Page 15 - DMEA Week 18 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              nearly double that figure this year.  the refinery on April 6, without causing
                                             Nigeria has so far been unable to take   any casualties. Sources in the Kurdistan
       Oil windfall bypasses               advantage of the increase in the price of   Regional Government told Reuters then
                                                                                that the refinery is owned by Iraqi Kurdish
                                           crude, which has surged since Russia invaded
       Nigeria as subsidies eat            Ukraine in February. Brent crude was up 1.6%   businessman Baz Karim Barzanji, CEO of
                                           at $112.7 a barrel at 12 p.m. in London.
                                                                                major domestic energy company the KAR
       into revenue                        fallen well short of the limits set by OPEC+,   Group.
                                             The country’s production has consistently
                                                                                  In March, Iran attacked Erbil with a
       Nigeria’s national energy company spent   which currently stands at 1.735 million barrels   dozen ballistic missiles in an unprecedented
       almost two-thirds of its revenue subsidizing   a day.                    assault on the capital of the autonomous Iraqi
       gasoline in the first quarter of the year and   A spokesman for the NNPC didn’t respond   Kurdish region that appeared to target the
       contributed no money to the government   to a request for comment.       United States and its allies. Only one person
       despite soaring oil prices.         BLOOMBERG                            was hurt in that attack.
         Data published by the Nigerian National                                REUTERS
       Petroleum Co. show how high oil prices are
       weighing down rather than boosting public   REFINING                     Kenya Pipeline embarks on
       finances in Africa’s largest crude producer. The
       World Bank and International Monetary Fund   Missile attack causes tank  KPRL upgrade
       have repeatedly urged Nigeria’s government
       to remove the subsidy on gasoline, which is   fire in oil refinery in Iraq  The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) is
       forecast to cost the country as much as $9.6                             embarking on upgrading facilities owned
       billion this year.                  A missile attack targeted an oil refinery in   by the defunct Kenya Petroleum Refineries
         The NNPC spent 676 billion naira ($1.6   Iraq’s northern city of Erbil on Sunday causing   Limited as it seeks to boost its storage capacity.
       billion) in the first three months of the year on   a fire in one of its main tanks that was later   The State-owned corporation has
       subsidies, against gross revenue of 1 trillion   brought under control, the Iraqi security   advertised for bids from eligible firms to help
       naira, according to a report it published late   forces said in a statement.  it upgrade the refinery for storage.
       last month.                           A missile also landed in the outer fence of   Experts say the upgrade of the refinery will
         Nigeria has very little refining capacity,   the refinery without causing any casualties,   significantly cut perennial inefficiencies that
       prompting the NNPC to import all its   the statement added.              characterise the country’s petroleum products
       gasoline via crude-for-fuel swaps with local   Earlier on Sunday, the anti-terrorism   supply chain, which translates into high prices
       and international traders, which the company   authorities in Kurdistan region said six   at the pump.
       sells at an increasingly steep loss to retailers   missiles landed near the KAR refinery in   The increased storage capacity at KPC
       and wholesalers. That makes pump prices   Erbil, adding they were launched from   is expected to save oil marketing firms
       in Nigeria among the lowest in the world, at   Nineveh province.         millions of shillings paid to shipping lines as
       162.5 naira a liter.                  The security forces said they found a   demurrage charges.
         The state-owned group is supposed to   launch pad and four missiles in the Nineveh   The upgrade comes weeks after KPC
       send excess funds each month to a pool that   Plain after the attack and defused them.  concluded the takeover of the defunct KPRL.
       finances the federal and state governments   Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi   “KPRL invites sealed tenders to carry out
       in Africa’s most populous nation. The NNPC   said the armed forces will pursue the   cleaning, painting and repair of LPG tanks
       last year contributed about 15% of its gross   perpetrators of what he called a “cowardly   610 and 611 and vessels V601A & V601B
       revenue of 3.43 trillion naira to the fund,   attack”, while discussing the security situation   at Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited,
       according to company data.          in a phone call with Kurdish leader Masoud   Changamwe, Mombasa,” said KPRL in tender
         The firm says it spent 1.43 trillion naira   Barzani, the prime minister’s office said   documents.
       subsidizing gasoline in 2021 -- it is on track to   on Twitter. Three missiles also fell near   BUSINESS DAILY

       Week 18   05•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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