Page 12 - DMEA Week 18 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Modular refineries

       struggling for supplies

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S modular refiners are struggling to  to the supply issues.
                         keep their facilities running, amid accusations   While the facilities require just 16,000 bpd of
                         that the state oil firm is failing to provide their  crude, NNPC continues to export around 1.3mn
                         meagre feedstock requirements as it maintains  bpd.
                         export levels.                         One source told ThisDay: “NNPC will tell
                           Local media outlet ThisDay quoted several  you that they are doing direct sales, direct pur-
                         sources who wished to remain anonymous as  chase (DSDP) deals, and give traders that don’t
                         saying that two of the country’s three ‘active’  even have refineries the needed crude, but they
                         modular refineries – the 10,000 barrel per day  fail to give local refineries the commodity. This is
                         (bpd) OPAC Refineries unit in Delta, the 5,000  an aberration, because all those costs associated
                         bpd Waltersmith Refining unit in Imo and the  with the DSDP, they will pass these costs to the
                         6,000 bpd Edo Refinery and Petrochemical Co,  government, which will add to the pump price.
                         unit in Edo – have all had the same issue with  That’s why you see the cost of products going up
                         the Nigerian National Petroleum Co. (NNPC),  in the market.”
                         which previously gave assurances it would   Another said that if diesel were “refined
                         ensure their “seamless” operations.  locally, all these associated costs will be
                           No mention was made of the 1,000 bpd Niger  eliminated”.
                         Delta Petroleum Resources (Train 3) unit in Riv-  Meanwhile, payment terms have also proved
                         ers State, which is understood to have been oper-  to be a problem, with NNPC demanding pay-
                         ational in recent months.            ment in US dollars from local refiners which
                           The report found that the OPAC unit has  conduct their business in Naira.
                         exhausted its supplies and is sitting dormant,   One source concluded: “We are not say-
                         while Waltersmith has only been able to pur-  ing give us for free. We want to purchase and
                         chase feedstock from private firm Seplat. The  sell to the local market to ameliorate the local
                         Edo plant was completed several months ago,  challenges the country is facing with refined
                         but its commissioning has been delayed owing  products.”™

       Algeria to export derivatives on

       completion of Hassi Messaoud

        AFRICA           ALGERIA will shortly be able to export oil deriv-  eliminate the country’s export problems.
                         atives after the Hassi Messaoud main refinery   The official said the domestic gasoline, die-
                         project comes into service, the head of Hydro-  sel and fuel consumption increased in Q1 this
                         carbon Regulatory Authority (ARH), Rachid  year to 1.2mn, 2.5mn and 350,000 tonnes
                         Nadel, told channel one in an interview.  respectively. The domestic consumption covers
                           NOC Sonatrach announced the launch the  demand and the future surplus of oil derivatives
                         60,000 barrel per day (bpd) greenfield refinery  output will be directed to exports.
                         in the east of the country last week, saying that   Algeria, through its oil utility Naftal, opened
                         the facility was 99% complete. The plant was first  the way for local and foreign investors to invest
                         proposed in 2012 as one of five planned 110,000  in the production of equipment. Some Italian
                         bpd refineries: it is unclear whether the newly  and Polish companies showed interest, accord-
                         completed unit is yet to be expanded further.  ing to Nadel.
                           Amec Foster Wheeler, now part of the UK’s   Algeria’s public and private fuel distribution
                         Wood Group, won a front-end engineering and  stations amount to 2,700 units. The government
                         design (FEED) contract covering the Hassi Mes-  said it has been working to increase the number
                         saoud facility as well as two others at Tiaret in the  of stations especially in the Southern region.
                         north-west and Biskra in the north-east.  In 2018, Total and state-owned Sonatrach
                           Nadel added that following Hassi Messaoud,  agreed to start engineering studies for a propane
                         five more refineries that are under construc-  dehydrogenation and propylene complex in
                         tion will be completed to help to permanently  Arzew worth $1.4bn.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   05•May•2022
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