Page 17 - DMEA Week 18 2022
P. 17
for decades. With the fertiliser facility, the company.†recent years in key performance indicators
Dangote group has a plan to expand in step Referring to the stabilization of the record such as total production, production of
with Nigeria’s fertiliser needs, estimated by the achieved in the production of the complex, polymer products and production of ethylene.
company to reach 5 to 7 million tons a year in he added: “In 1400, with the ineffectiveness of According to Amirkabir Petrochemical
due course. Even in its very first outing, it has sanctions by the experts of the complex, new Company, setting the mentioned records is
already exceeded the capacity of all previously records were set in the production of various the result of empathy and collective efforts of
existing fertiliser producers in the country items like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and managers and all Amirkabir Petrochemical
combined. heavy cut.†Complex’s staff in achieving the goal of
These include Indorama’s Eleme Fertilizer The caretaker of the complex of Bu Ali increasing production and enhancing
and Chemicals Co.’s 1.4 million tons per year Sina Company continued: “Also, the strategic generation of hard currency for the country.
facility, located near the southern oil-industry product of benzene has once again achieved a The total production of Amirkabir
capital of Port Harcourt, and the 800,000-tons 126% increase compared to the plan by setting Petrochemical Plant in 1400 compared to the
a year Notore Chemical Industries plant in the the highest production record, which has preceding year saw a 16 percent increase and
Onne Free Trade Zone, just outside the same played an effective role in domestic markets, led to the highest record of total production in
city. downstream and secondary industries as recent years.
AFRICAN BUSINESS well as generation of hard currency for the The same trend has been the case in
country.” production of polymer products with a
Bu Ali Sina petchem plant (Public Joint Stock Company) is located on 12% increase in the production of polymer
Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical Complex
products in 1400 compared to 1399.
breaks production record a 36-hectare land in the northwest of the and value added to the company. It is worth
Polymer products bring the most profit
Persian Gulf in Khuzestan province, in the
Production of Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical special petrochemical zone, and part of its mentioning that the polymer units in 1400
Company in the calendar year of 1400, which shares have been listed on the stock exchange with the realization of 119 percent of its
ended on March 20, saw a 32% increase since 1399. production plan, has been able to set a new
compared to the previous year, and reached SHANA record in production of high and low density
110% of the company’s nameplate capacity to and linear polyethylene in different grades as
1,890,000 tons. Amirkabir petchem plant well as polymer products.
According to Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical In 1400, this production complex was able
Plant, Omid Azmian, the caretaker of Bu breaks production record to hold the record for the highest amount of
Ali Sina Company, said: “We managed ethylene output (the most important feedstock
to materialize the company’s nameplate During the calendar year of 1400 which for polymer units) and experienced a 45%
capacity in even exceed that which has been ended on March 20, Amirkabir Petrochemical increase compared to 1399.
unprecedented in the 18-year history of the Company was able to set a new record in SHANA
Week 18 05•May•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P17