Page 12 - MEOG Week 16 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           said: “We are very pleased with the robust   with chrome and restrictions on the use
                                           performance from our assets in the KRI in the   of drilling services by contractors abroad,
       Dana Gas KRI collections            first three months of the year, which at current   relying on knowledge and management
                                                                                ability, engineering staff, drilling operations
                                           oil prices will have a very positive impact on
       at $53 million (AED 194 mm)         our profitability.                   and rigging of DCI and using the facilities,
                                                                                expertise, knowledge and experience of
                                             Given the Kurdistan Regional
       year-to-date                        Government’s continued commitment to pay   local contractors to provide goods and
                                                                                technical services, the necessary measures
                                           down past receivables, we expect to receive
       Dana Gas PJSC (the “Company”), the Middle   the balance of overdue receivables from the   were taken to continue work such as design
       East’s largest regional private sector natural   KRI mid-year or shortly thereafter.   and construction of rig drilling fluid agitator
       gas company, announces that year-to-date   Our achievements in increasing our   system which led to completion of SIE-E1P6
       Pearl Petroleum Company Limited (‘Pearl   production from the KRI over the past year   well operation.
       Petroleum’) has received $151 million (AED   and the sustained collections record gives us   The CEO of Drilling International Limited
       553 mm) from the sale of gas, condensate and   confidence in the continuing investments we   said: “The SIE-E1P6 well has been put into
       LPG, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).   are making in our future growth plans.”  operation after the test operation with an
       All invoices from the KRG continue to be   DANA GAS                      approximate daily production of 2,000 barrels
       settled in full and in a timely manner.                                  of crude oil.”
         Dana Gas is a 35% shareholder in Pearl                                   He noted: “Due to the use of optimal
       Petroleum and accordingly its share of KRI   OIL                         design and the best equipment and services
       collections year-to-date is $53 million (AED                             available in the project and given the
       194mm). Of Pearl Petroleum’s total collections   Esfand well flows at 2,000   production area equal to 942 meters, this well
       this year, $24.6 million was received in respect                         can have the highest and longest efficiency for
       of overdue receivables, of which Dana Gas’s   bpd                        the Iranian Offshore Oil Company compared
       share was $8.6 million. Pearl Petroleum’s                                to the E1P5 well with production area of 467
       overdue receivables from the KRI stand at $42   The SIE-E1P6 well of Esfand offshore oilfield   meters.”
       million following the most recent payment,   was put into operation with an approximate   SHANA
       with Dana Gas’s share at $14.8 million.   2,000 b/d of crude oil production capacity.
         At the current oil prices the balance of   According to Petro Iran, Hamidreza   Yumna field output in March
       KRI overdue receivable is expected to be   Saghafi, CEO of Drilling International Limited
       settled during the third quarter of this year.   (DCI), announced the news, saying his   at 12,672 bpd
       A significant production increase in the KRI   company, as the contractor of the Siri EPDF
       occurred in the fourth quarter of 2020 after   project, in accordance with the obligations   Masirah Oil Limited said Tuesday that gross
       the Khor Mor by-pass debottlenecking project   mentioned in the contract with the Iranian   oil production in March 2021 from its Yumna
       was completed in July.              Offshore Oil Company, as the employer of the   Field in offshore Block 50 Oman, amounted to
         The Company has continued to deliver   project, installed the DCI-1 offshore drilling   12,672 stock tank barrels per day (stb/d).
       solid operational performance in the first   rig on the Ilam 1 platform and tapped the   On March 17, 2021, Masirah Oil Limited
       three months of 2021. Gross gas production in  capabilities and expertise of local contractors   announced the completion of the upgrade
       the KRI increased by 12% to an average of 439   and experts for driving 26-inch threaded   to the Yumna Field process facilities, which
       MMscf/d in the first quarter compared to 391   conductor pipes for the first time in Iran up to   has more than doubled the liquid handling
       MMscf/d in the same period last year. This   a depth of 150 meters, which made it possible   capacity on the Mobile Offshore Production
       helped contribute to a 9% increase in total   to drill the SIE-E1P6 production well in the   Unit (MOPU) to 30,000 barrels per day, to
       Group production to 35,300 boepd in the first   platform.                cater to the increased production from the
       quarter of 2021 versus 32,400 boepd in the   He continued: “Despite some restrictions   three Yumna production wells, the company
       first three months of 2020.         such as problems in supplying foreign-made   said. Production was shut down for a few days
         Dana Gas CEO Dr Patrick Allman-Ward   goods such as coiled tubes and liner casing   during the upgrading period in the month of

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2021
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