Page 13 - MEOG Week 16 2021
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MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       March 2021.                         in the Saudi Aramco procurement processes,”   press statement.
         “The three wells were tested steadily over   explained Hani Sagr, Area Vice President for   Seeq has a set of applications which
       a week at rates of 20,000 barrels of oil per   Welltec Middle East.      allow engineers and scientists in process
       day in March 2021 and the production rate   “It provides the best possible foundation   manufacturing organizations to rapidly
       has since then been optimized in accordance   for the provision of our technology and   analyze, predict, collaborate, and share
       with the reservoir management plan, aimed at   services to Saudi Aramco, enabling us to   insight. The company operates across oil
       maximizing recovery from the Yumna Field,”   continue growing our partnership as well as   and gas, pharmaceutical, chemical, energy,
       Masirah Oil said.                   our overall presence in the region.”  mining, food and beverage, and other process
         The company holds a 100 percent interest   “The qualification process included a   industries.
       in Block 50 Oman and is the operator.  number of site visits, inspections and audits,   “We are pleased to close our Series C
       AOG                                 with full and detailed reports covering the   funding efforts with the support of Insight
                                           entire Welltec organization with particular   Partners to scale our business and enable
                                           focus on our manufacturing process,” added   manufacturing organizations to make data-
       SERVICES                            Sagr, before going on to explain that it was   driven decisions,” said Steve Sliwa, CEO
                                           December 2018 when proceedings began in   and co-founder of Seeq. “By leveraging
       Welltec signs Long-Form             earnest.                             big data, machine learning, and computer
                                              “This is not only an excellent recognition
                                                                                science innovations, Seeq is enabling a new
       contract with Aramco                of the great teamwork between Welltec and   generation of software-led insights.”
                                           Aramco, it also highlights our commitment
                                                                                  “Seeq has established themselves as the
       Welltec announced this week the agreement   to the IKTVA program geared towards in-  leader in process manufacturing and IIoT
       of a Long-Form Contract (LFC) with Saudi   Kingdom value creation”.      analytics, and we believe they will continue to
       Aramco.  Following an extensive approval   The combination of this award and   transform the way companies find and share
       process, the deal will see Welltec deliver   the continued expansion of in-house   insights and make faster decisions,” says Matt
       Completion products and services across the   manufacturing at a local level serves as   Koran, Vice President at Insight Partners.
       Saudi Aramco portfolio in any environment.   an excellent platform for the future and   “The company has achieved incredible growth
         “Welltec began installing WAB metal   continued growth in neighbouring countries.  to date, and we are excited to partner with
       expandable packers for Saudi Aramco in 2014   WELLTEC                    them to help execute their vision for a new
       as part of a technology trial, and the award                             generation of machine-learning enabled
       of a long-form contract demonstrates how   Aramco part of $50mn          analytics.”
       far we’ve progressed since then,” said Kevin                               Seeq’s applications for analyzing and
       Wood, Well Completions Sales Director for   funding round for analytics   sharing insights on process manufacturing
       Welltec Middle East.                                                     data include Workbench for easy to use
         Wood continued to add, “Confirmation   company                         advanced analytics, Organizer for publishing
       of this award represents a major step in our                             reports and dashboards, Data Lab for
       partnership with Saudi Aramco which also   Saudi Aramco’s investment unit, Saudi   accessing Python libraries, and Cortex for IT
       enables us to continue along the path of   Aramco Energy Ventures, was part of a   governance, data connectivity, and calculation
       exemplary service quality in the execution   $50 million Series C funding round for US   features.
       of completions.  With more products being   manufacturing and Industrial Internet of   Seeq was recognized in 2020 by Inc.
       qualified through Saudi Aramco this year,   Things (IIoT) analytics software firm Seeq.   Magazine as #261 on their 2020 list of the
       and the addition of an in-country Welltec   The company has raised a total of $115   Fastest Growing Companies, #76 on Deloitte’s
       manufacturing facility, it’s greatly appreciated   million to date.      Technology Fast 500™, and chosen as a Red
       that Welltec have been recognized through   The funding round was led by venture   Herring Top 100 North American winner.
       this award.”                        capital and private equity firm Insight   Seeq also connects to an extensive set of
         The approval procedure for this agreement   Partners, and also included Altira Group,   automation vendor data storage platforms
       has been extensive and thorough, and such   Chevron Technology Ventures, Cisco   for on premise engagements including
       a high standard of qualification brings with   Investments, and Second Avenue Partners.   OSIsoft, Siemens, GE, Honeywell, Emerson
       it the benefit of an expedited process for the   This funding will accelerate Seeq’s expansion   Automation Solutions, Inductive Automation,
       establishment of future agreements between   of development, sales, and marketing   AVEVA, AspenTech, Yokogawa, and others.
       the two companies.                  resources, and help increase the company’s   OGME
         “The LFC is the highest level of contract   presence in international markets, it said in a

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