Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 36 2021
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Talos says it will fight SENER’s plan

       to name Pemex as operator of Zama

                         US-BASED Talos Energy has opted to fight the   notices of dispute, along with the concrete,
                         Mexican government’s move to transfer control   mutually beneficial proposals we have presented
                         of Zama, a large oilfield within Block 7 offshore   to Pemex and Mexican authorities in the past,
                         Tabasco State, to the national oil company   demonstrates our commitment to maximise
                         (NOC) Pemex.                         value for all stakeholders, including Mexico. We
                           In a statement dated September 3, Talos   respectfully call upon the government of Mexico
                         revealed that it had submitted notices of dis-  to engage with Talos in meaningful negotiations
                         pute to Mexico’s government. These documents   and consultations considering the full body of
                         outline the company’s objections to the deci-  evidence regarding the ideal operatorship struc-
                         sion by the Secretariat of Energy (SENER) to   ture for Zama and the safeguarding of our rights
                         unitise Zama with neighbouring fields within   as a foreign investor.”
                         the Uchukil 0152 block assigned to Pemex and   SENER, for its part, has repeatedly insisted
                         charge SENER with violating the terms of cer-  that unitisation is the best solution for Zama. It
                         tain trade agreements, the statement said.  issued an order to that effect in 2020 on the basis
                           “These decisions ... cause loss or damage to   of studies showing that the Asab, Chamak and
                         the company as an investor and as the operator   Naquita fields at Uchukil 0152 were part of the
                         of CNH-R01-L01-A7/2015 (Block 7) in off-  same reservoir discovered at Zama. According
                         shore Mexico,” Talos declared. “The actions by   to Mexican officials, those studies show all the
                         SENER also constitute violations of the agree-  fields to be part of a single reservoir that lies
                         ment between the United States of America, the   mostly within the block assigned to Pemex.
                         United Mexican States and Canada (USMCA)   Talos discovered Zama, which is believed to
                         and the Bilateral Investment Treaty between the   hold nearly 700mn barrels of oil in recoverable
                         United Mexican States and the Belgo-Luxem-  reserves, in 2017. At the time, the field was the
                         bourg Economic Union (BLEU-BIT).”    first major find made by a private or foreign oil
                           The company also faulted SENER for its deci-  company in Mexico since that country’s govern-
                         sion to hand the project over to Pemex, despite   ment adopted major reforms in the oil sector,
                         that company’s failure to engage in explora-  thereby ending Pemex’s 75-year-old monopoly
                         tion and drilling work at the sites surrounding   on exploration.
                         Zama. It pointed out that it had already invested   The US company has been working at Zama
                         $350mn in Zama and had performed the work   in a consortium with Wintershall Dea (Ger-
                         that led to the discovery of sizeable reserves at   many) and Premier Oil (UK). Equity in the
                         the fields.                          project is split 35% to Talos,40% to Wintershall
                           “[Talos’] operated efforts between 2017 and   and 25% to Premier, which has retained its stake
                         2019 were under budget, ahead of schedule and   in the field following its merger with Chrysaor
                         without any safety incidents,” it commented. “In   Holdings, another British company, into a new
                         contrast, despite the statements from Pemex   company known as Harbour Energy. ™
                         executives and Mexican government officials
                         asserting that Pemex would drill a confirmation
                         well on their neighbouring contractual area to
                         provide complementary geological data, Pemex
                         repeatedly delayed the well for several years until
                         ultimately cancelling all plans to drill it just a few
                         weeks before SENER designated Pemex as the
                         operator of the yet-to-be-finalised unit.”
                           Talos went on to say that it hoped to resolve
                         the dispute with SENER amicably and with-
                         out the need for legal action. It also indicated,
                         though, that it had been raising objections to
                         the Mexican government’s unitisation plan for
                         nearly three years and did not intend to give up.
                           Timothy Duncan, the president and CEO of
                         Talos, stressed these points. “Despite SENER’s
                         current designation of Pemex as the operator of
                         the Zama field, we are still hopeful that a nego-
                         tiated outcome that fully respects the rule of
                         law is achievable,” he said. “The filing of these   Zama holds 700mn barrels of oil in recoverable reserves (Image: Talos Energy)

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2021
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