Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 36 2021
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The Liza Unity FPSO is now en route to Guyana (Photo: SBM Offshore)
The Turbot-2 shaft “encountered 43 feet people and our shareholders.”
(13 metres) of net pay in a newly identified, The company has been using the Noble Sam
high-quality hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone Croft drillship to sink both wells. Pinktail-1,
reservoir separate from the 75 feet (23 metres) which lies in 1,810-metre-deep water, is located
of high-quality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoir about 35 km south-east of Liza-1, the first sec-
pay encountered in the original Turbot-1 dis- tion of Stabroek to begin commercial produc-
covery well,” the statement said. tion. Turbot-2, which lies in 1,765-metre-deep
The new discoveries will add to the block’s water, lies about 60 km south-east of the Liza-1
recoverable resources, which have been esti- field and about 4 km from the Turbot-1 well.
mated at 9bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) or The US-based giant said in the same state-
more, it added. ment that it was on track to bring Liza-2, another
Mike Cousins, the senior vice-president of section of the Stabroek block, on stream in early
exploration and new ventures at ExxonMobil, 2022.
commented: “These discoveries are part of an It also reported that the Liza Unity, the float-
extensive well programme in the Stabroek Block ing production, storage and off-loading (FPSO)
utilising six drillships to test play extensions and vessel that will be installed at the field, had left
new concepts, evaluate existing discoveries and Singapore earlier in September. The vessel is
complete development wells for the Liza Phase due to arrive in Guyanese waters in late 2021,
2 and Payara projects. Our exploration successes according to SBM Offshore, the Dutch company
continue to increase the discovered resource that has been building the Liza Unity at the Kep-
and will generate value for both the Guyanese pel shipyard.
ExxonMobil aiming to launch 12-well
drilling programme at Canje in Q1-2022
ESSO Exploration and Production Guyana quarter of 2025.
Ltd (EEPGL), a subsidiary of US-based Exxon- EEPGL has not identified the 12 drilling sites,
Mobil, hopes to launch a 12-well drilling pro- but it did say in the project summary that if it
gramme at the offshore Canje block next year. made any finds during this campaign, it might
According to a report from, perform a well test. “As is customary, an intent to
EEPGL has outlined its plans in a project sum- drill (ITD) will be prepared and presented to the
mary submitted to Guyana’s Environmental Ministry of Natural Resources, Guyana Geology
Protection Agency (EPA). In the document, the and Mines Commission and the EPA approx-
company said it intended to spud the first of 12 imately one month prior to spud, with a fur-
new wells at Canje in the first quarter of 2022 ther detailed well specific drilling programme
and would wrap up the programme in the first (WSDP) to follow,” the document stated.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 36 09•September•2021