Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 16 2022
P. 12

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                                                   The fields are currently yielding 20.6 mcm per day (Image: TotalEnergies)

                         TotalEnergies is serving as operator of CMA-1   del Fuego. It encompasses a total of 260 fields,
                         and has a 37.5% stake in the block. Its partners   including Argo, Aries, Carina, Fénix, Orión,
                         are Wintershall Dea (Germany), with 37.5%,   Orión Norte, Orión Oeste and Vega-Pléyade.
                         and and Pan American Energy (Argentina),   Altogether, these sites are currently yielding
                         with 25%.                            about 20.6 mcm per day of gas, along with some
                           The CMA-1 licence area lies offshore in   crude oil. As of December 31, 2020, CMA-1’s
                         the Austral basin, which borders Argentina’s   gas reserves were estimated at 64.471bn cubic
                         southern provinces of Santa Cruz and Tierra   metres. ™

       USAID awards $100,000 grant to Peruvian

       NGO to help clean up La Pampilla oil spill

                         THE US Agency for International Development
                         (USAID) has awarded a grant worth $100,000
                         to the Peruvian environmental fund Profonanpe
                         to support clean-up operations related to an oil
                         spill that occurred at La Pampilla earlier this
                         year. The funds are expected to fuel Profonanpe’s
                         collaboration with the National Service of Pro-
                         tected Natural Areas by the State (SERNANP)
                         and the National Forestry and Wildlife Service
                         (SERFOR) in an effort to mitigate the oil spill
                         and prevent damage to wildlife.
                           The spill occurred in late January, when the
                         Mare Doricum, an Italian-flagged Suezmax   The spilled oil was headed for Repsol’s La Pampilla plant (Photo: Repsol)
                         tanker, attempted to unloaded a 1mn barrel
                         cargo of crude at the port of La Pampilla near   An array of Peruvian NGOs will work
                         Lima for delivery to a refinery owned by Rep-  together with Profonanpe, SERNANP and SER-
                         sol (Spain). Peru’s Environment Ministry has   FOR to develop a framework for environmental
                         reported that the incident caused tens of thou-  assessment and monitoring so that wildlife and
                         sands of oil to leak into the ocean, subsequently   ecosystems in the surrounding areas can be pro-
                         causing the coastline to be contaminated.  tected from further damage.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2022
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