Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 16 2022
P. 7
Arrow Exploration gearing up for
production testing at RCE-2 well
CANADA’S Arrow Exploration is nearly ready already drilled one other well – the RCE-1 rec-
to begin production testing at Rio Cravo Este-2 ompletion well, which may boost net produc-
(RCE-2), a new development well drilled at the tion by 360 barrels per day (bpd) – at the Rio
Tapir block in Colombia’s Llanos basin. Cravo Este section of Tapir. Rio Cravo Este
In a statement dated April 14, Arrow is estimated to contain 3.8mn barrels of oil in
reported that it had finished drilling the well to proven, probable and possible reserves, and
a true vertical depth (TVD) of 9,674 feet (2,949 Arrow has said it may drill up to four or five
metres). It also said it had completed the casing wells there.
of the well on April 18 and expected to wrap up Its next development drilling target at the
cementing on April 20. Once these tasks have field was originally known as RCE-3 but has
been finished, it said, production testing can been renamed RCS-1. Both RCE-2 and RCS-1
begin. are anticipated to push output levels up by
Arrow’s production testing programme around 360 bpd each.
is thorough, with testing periods lasting for
approximately five days in each zone, the state-
ment added.
It went on to say that the RCE-2 well had
penetrated the targeted formations at the opti-
mal structural elevations. The well had encoun-
tered nearly 80 feet (24.4 metres) of cumulative
net pay over five separate known producing
horizons, it reported.
Marshall Abbott, the CEO of Arrow, was
quoted in the statement as saying that he had
high hopes for the new development well, which
was spudded on April 2. “From the data we have,
several of the pay zones are attractive, and like
the RCE-1 well, we believe more than one pay
zone will be productive,” he commented.
AIM-listed Arrow, which is focused on
Colombia, has a 50% stake in Tapir and is serv-
ing as operator of the block. The company has The Tapir block is located in the Llanos basin (Image: Arrow Exploration)
Duque says Colombia can ramp up oil
production more quickly than Venezuela
COLOMBIAN President Ivan Duque asserted serious obstacles if it attempted to expand out-
last week that his country was in a better posi- put rapidly.
tion than Venezuela to ramp up oil production For one thing, he said, Venezuela’s national
quickly to answer the US government’s requests oil company (NOC) PdVSA is facing technical
for help with the supply imbalances that have problems that limit its ability to accelerate pro-
arisen on world energy markets because of the duction growth.
Russia-Ukraine conflict, which broke out in late He made a reference to the “deterioration”
February. of PdVSA’s production and processing infra-
Speaking during an interview with Bloomb- structure since the imposition of US sanctions
erg News, Duque contrasted his country’s on the Venezuelan oil sector, pointing out that
capabilities with those of Venezuela, saying the company would need time to make up the
that the latter state’s oil industry would face ground it had lost.
Week 16 21•April•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7