Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 16 2022
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The scheme calls for building a 12-inch Guyanese government’s GTP taskforce, said last
(303-mm) pipeline to pump 50mn cubic feet year that the total cost of the project was likely
(1.42mn cubic metres) per day of associated gas to be broken down as follows: $570-630mn for
from producing sections of EEPGL’s offshore the offshore section of the pipeline, $80-100mn
Stabroek block to shore. The pipe will deliver the for the onshore section of the pipeline, $120mn
gas to an onshore receiving facility, which will for the gas-receiving plant and $40-50mn for
then make it available for electricity generation other associated infrastructure. At that time,
and other uses. officials in Georgetown were saying that they
Winston Brassington, the head of the intended to cover at least part of these costs with
Yellowtail environmental permit includes
provisions targeting emissions reduction
THE environmental permit issued for Yel- commitment to get to net zero by 2050. We want
lowtail, the fourth development target at the to know what their plan is for Guyana and how
Stabroek block offshore Guyana, differs from its they intend to achieve that goal here.”
predecessors because it will include a roadmap According to the Yellowtail environmental
for carbon dioxide emissions reduction. permit, Esso Exploration and Production Guy-
The use of this roadmap is part of a wider ana Ltd (EEPGL), the ExxonMobil affiliate that
effort to minimise the environmental impact is leading work at Stabroek, has 90 days follow-
of oil development, according to a report from ing the issuance of the document to submit a In line with these efforts, Exxon- work plan. This document must detail how the
Mobil, the US-based super-major that is lead- company and its partners and contractors will
ing development at the block, has also pledged achieve reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG)
to examine the potential use of carbon capture, emissions intensity and what CCUS technolo-
utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies as gies may be used during the project execution.
part of the $10bn Yellowtail project. In accordance with its 2050 net-zero goal,
These requirements are spelled out in Guy- ExxonMobil has committed to finalising road-
ana’s draft Low Carbon Development Strategy, maps that will address approximately 90% of
which calls for eliminating gas flaring, as well as the company’s GHG emissions by the end of
the use of the best environmental technology. this year, with the remainder expected to be
Joel Gravesande, the head of the oil and gas addressed in 2023. In an effort to accelerate
department at Guyana’s Environmental Protec- this endeavour, the company has identified 150
tion Agency (EPA), stated the following with potential steps to be applied to its upstream,
regards to the provisions of the newly issued downstream and chemical operations.
Yellowtail permit: “This provision in the permit Already underway are actions to address
is new to Guyana, and I am happy to know that ExxonMobil’s energy efficiency, methane miti-
the EPA [has been] pushing for this. The driv- gation and the elimination of venting and rou-
ing factor is actually ExxonMobil’s stated global tine flaring.
Yellowtail will be the fourth development project at Stabroek (Image: Hess)
Week 16 21•April•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9