Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 16 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA                                         LatAmOil

       Inoxcva to build LNG regasification

       plant on Antigua for Caribbean LNG

                         INDIA’S Inoxcva said on April 19 that it had   APC, described the contract with the Indian
                         won a contract from Caribbean LNG, a joint   company as a step forward for the project. Car-
                         venture set up by US-based Eagle LNG Partners   ibbean LNG and its shareholders are “proud
                         and its partner Antigua Power Co. (APC), for   to work with Inoxcva on this state-of-the-art
                         the construction of a small-scale LNG regas-  modular terminal for Antigua and Barbuda,
                         ification facility and terminal on the island of   [which will serve] as a template for our plans
                         Antigua.                             throughout the Eastern Caribbean, and [a] hub
                           According to a company statement, Inoxcva   for cost-effective, low-carbon fuel supply to the
                         said it would be providing design, engineering   country and region,” he said.
                         and supply services for the project on a turn-key   Hadeed also stressed the environmental
                         basis. It did not reveal the value of the deal, but   and economic benefits of the project. “With
                         it did explain that it would be building a facility   secure, affordable, sustainable and reliable sup-
                         capable of taking delivery of small cargoes of   ply from Eagle LNG’s facilities in Jacksonville,
                         LNG and then regasifying them for use at APC’s   Florida, USA, and the unmatched experience
                         new on-island thermal power plant (TPP) at   and know-how of APC, Antigua and Barbuda
                         Crabbs, which has a capacity of 40 MW.  will benefit from the use of this lower-carbon
                           The regasification plant will be outfitted with   fuel creating opportunities for the country and
                         vacuum-insulated storage tanks and a regasifi-  the Eastern Caribbean region,” he said. “Mov-
                         cation system based on a modular design, noted   ing to gas also enables the greater integration
                         Vijay Kalaria, the Indian company’s global head   of renewable generation in the country and the
                         of LNG operations.                   introduction of bio-LNG and hydrogen into the
                           He also stated that all major critical equip-  fuel mix to further reduce carbon footprint and
                         ment slated for installation at the LNG facility   meet committed goals for the country on carbon
                         would be manufactured at Inoxcva’s manufac-  reduction.”
                         turing base in Kandla, a seaport in the Indian   Eagle LNG, APC and the Antigua Public
                         state of Gujarat.                    Utilities Authority (APUA) joined forces for an
                           “We are excited and honoured to have been   LNG-to-power project last year. According to a
                         given this opportunity ... Caribbean LNG’s ter-  statement from the US Embassy in Barbados,
                         minal will be capable of receiving LNG through   the Eastern Caribbean and the OECS, the three
                         smaller ships while provisioning for LNG dis-  companies broke ground on the 40-MW Crabbs
                         tribution and ship bunkering in the future. Our   TPP last July. The new plant will be the first gas-
                         innovative design and modularised concept will   fired facility of its kind on the island.
                         ensure minimum site activity and enable faster   No information was available as of press time
                         implementation of the project,” Kalaria said.  on the exact volume of LNG slated for delivery
                           Meanwhile, Francis Hadeed, the director of   to Antigua. ™

                                                         Rendering of planned LNG regasification plant (Image: Inoxcva)

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