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• Droplet precautions: are designed to reduce the risk of droplet transmission of
infectious agents. Droplet transmission involves contact with the conjunctivae
or the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth of a susceptible person with
large particle droplets generated from the source person primarily during
coughing, sneezing, or talking. Because droplets generally travel only short
distances, usually three feet or less, and do not remain suspended in the air,
special air handling and ventilation are not required.
Latex Sensitivity
Latex sensitivity is an emerging and important problem in the health care field.
Following the development of Universal Precaution Standards (OSHA, 1980), the
use of natural rubber latex gloves for infection control skyrocketed. Within the last
decade, however, the incidence of latex sensitivity has grown. Every health care
worker must be concerned about latex sensitivity. Individuals with a known
sensitivity to latex should wear a medical alert bracelet.
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