Page 5 - Medical Terminology_Neat
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Appendix A  Medical Terminology  1409

                    Table A-4   Common Abbreviations, continued
                    Abbreviation Meaning                    Abbreviation   Meaning             Abbreviation Meaning
                    AMS           altered mental status     CABG           coronary artery bypass  CVP       central venous pressure
                    ant           anterior                  CAD            coronary artery disease CXR       chest x-ray
                    AO × 4        alert and oriented to person,   CBC      complete blood count  D&C         dilation and curettage
                                  place, time, and self
                    AP            anteroposterior, front-to-  cc           cubic centimeter    D/C           discontinue
                                  back, action potential, angina
                                  pectoris, anterior pituitary,
                                  arterial pressure
                    APC           atrial premature complex,   CC or C/C    chief complaint     diff          differential
                                  activated protein C, aspirin-
                    Aq            water                     CCU            coronary care unit  dig           digoxin
                    ARDS          adult respiratory distress   CHF         congestive heart failure DM       diabetes mellitus
                    ASA           aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)  Cl —     chloride            DOA           dead on arrival
                    ASAP          as soon as possible       cm             centimeter          DOE           dyspnea on exertion
                    ASHD          arteriosclerotic or       cm 3           cubic centimeter    DON           director of nursing
                                  atherosclerotic heart disease
                    AV, A-V       atrioventricular, arteriovenous  CNS     central nervous system  DOS       dead on scene
                    BBB           bundle branch block       c/o            complaining of      DPT           diphtheria, pertussis,
                                                                                                             and tetanus toxoids
                    bid           twice daily               CO             cardiac output, carbon   DSD      dry sterile dressing
                    BKA           below the knee amputation  CO            carbon dioxide      DtaP          diphtheria, tetanus
                                                                                                             toxoids, and acellular
                                                                                                             pertussis vaccine
                    BM            bowel movement            COLD           chronic obstructive   DTP         diphtheria, tetanus
                                                                           lung disease                      toxoids, and pertussis
                    BP            blood pressure            COPD           chronic obstructive   DTs         delirium tremens
                                                                           pulmonary disease
                    BS            blood sugar, breath sounds,   CP         chest pain, chemically   DVT      deep venous thrombosis
                                  bowel sounds, bachelor of                pure, cerebral palsy
                                  science (degree)
                    BSA           body surface area         CPR            cardiopulmonary     D W           dextrose 5% in water
                    bx            biopsy                    CRNA           certifi ed registered   Dx         diagnosis
                                                                           nurse anesthetist
                    c             with                      CRT            capillary refi ll time,   ECG      electrocardiogram
                                                                           cathode-ray tube
                    °C            degrees Celsius (centigrade)  CSF        cerebrospinal fl uid  ED           emergency department
                    Ca            calcium                   CSM            carotid sinus massage,   EDC      estimated date of
                                                                           cerebrospinal                     confi nement
                    CA            cancer, cardiac arrest,   CVA            cerebrovascular     EEG           electroencephalogram
                                  chronologic age, coronary                accident
                                  artery, cold agglutinin

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