Page 8 - Medical Terminology_Neat
P. 8
1412 Appendix A Medical Terminology
Table A-4 Common Abbreviations, continued
Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning
qd every day stat immediately WBC white blood cell
qh every hour STD sexually transmitted WNL within normal limits
qid four times a day Sub Q subcutaneous w/o without
qod every other day SVT supraventricular wt weight
RA rheumatoid arthritis, Sx symptoms yo year old
right atrium
RAD reactive airway disease, sym symptoms x – except
right axis deviation
RBC red blood cell tab tablet 1° fi rst, first degree, primary
Rh Rhesus blood factor, TB tuberculosis 2° secondary, second degree
RHD rheumatic heart disease TBA to be admitted, to be ↑ increase(d)
RL Ringer’s lactate tbsp tablespoon ↓ decrease(d)
RLL right lower lobe of the tech technician, Ø no, not, none
lung technologist
RLQ right lower quadrant of TIA transient ischemic ® right
the abdomen attack
RN registered nurse tid three times a day L left
R/O rule out TKO to keep open micro
ROM range of motion, rupture TPR temperature, pulse, alpha
of membranes respiration
RUL right upper lobe of the tsp teaspoon beta
RUQ right upper quadrant of Tx treatment ∼ approximately
the abdomen
Rx prescription U unit 2 times two
s without UA urinalysis / per
SC subcutaneous, secretory UE upper extremity not equal
SICU surgical intensive care URI upper respiratory greater than
unit infection
SIDS sudden infant death USP United States less than
syndrome Pharmacopeia
SL sublingual UTI urinary tract infection ? questionable, possible
SOB shortness of breath VD venereal disease change
SQ subcutaneous vol volume
ss half VS vital signs female
S/S signs and symptoms w/ with male
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