Page 4 - Del Nido #3
P. 4
id you know it's
D allowed to
back your car into a parking
space? The reasons are
many including backing up is
one of the most dangerous
parts of driving! But the main
reason is that carbon monox-
ide is dangerous and when
your vehicle is backed into a
parking space the exhaust is
closest to people's front doors and we don't want carbon monoxide entering inside
anyone's unit. That is why this rule is in place at this apartment complex and most
all others.
Modifications to your apartment are not allowed. Modifications include: in-
stalling foil or other window coverings over the windows, adding a portable wash-
ing machine or dishwasher, changing your locks and not providing us with a key,
adding lights or screws into rafter tails or fascia or hanging lights, adding colored light bulbs to your ex-
terior light fixtures. These are just a few.
There is no smoking of ANY SUBSTANCE on the property. "On the property" includes inside your
apartment unit with the doors closed, on your patio, on the front rocks, in the parking lot. Smoking on
the property is a material breach of the lease and cause for termination of your tenancy.
When pets are not allowed, which they aren't, that also means visiting pets. However, if you have an
approved service animal then of course that doesn't count as a "pet", and likewise if your guest
has a need for a service animal that is also ok. Let us know if you need a reasonable accommodation
for an Assistive Animal..
Even when a personal wipe says "flushable" or "biodegradable", it is not allowed to be flushed. You
know when your toilet backs up and we have to call out a plumber? Well that is usually because some-
one flushed or has been flushing wipes down the toilet. We're not suggesting you stop using wipes, we
just dont' want you to flush them down the toilet. Dispose of them in your waste bin.
We have security spot check nightly. Well, we pay for that service and if you experience some emer-
gency and need help then by all means call Security or the Police. But if you call Security just for your
own personal reason that isn't something relating to the property, you may be charged for the service